At the 1896 Olympics in Athens, a bamboo pole was used to set the vaulting record of 10 feet 6 inches.
Set against a steeply rising hill covered in acacia trees and bamboo groves, the four-story National Palace Museum features beige-colored facades and a sloping green-tiled roof.
They set up a temporary theatre under a bridge with bamboo sticks. They slept under the stage and put on their makeup and costumes in a tiny area behind the stage.
Look to castle peak, BeiYi bamboo, green water, pines and bamboo this ordinary farmhouse set off exuberant.
The refugee camps were first set up in 1984; there are now nine of them, settlements of bamboo-built houses behind barbed wire spread out not far from the border town of Mae Sot.
They set up a temporary theater under a bridge with bamboo sticks.
When the three researchers reached Kichang, they went door to door asking people to speak their native tongue - not a strenuous undertaking in a village of only four bamboo houses set on stilts.
Huangshan south of the town, is located in Castle Peak Bamboo, set the natural landscape, cultural landscape as a whole.
It makes a lovely picture, the bamboo houses set off by green plantain trees.
A storage room is set aside especially to deposit fresh bamboo-which is the staple food for the pandas in their natural habitat.
General headquarter of company is set up in Zhejiang De Qing county, here beautiful country scene, growth of climate condition bamboo suitable.
Abstract: : chicken ridge north road-compartments bamboo road overpass east-west expressway and nanning city of nanning is fast loop overlapping set a important overpass.
So including conventional vase, coffee set, tea set and bowl, there are also casket, stationery, pencil vase and bamboo platen, etc.
Results The HPLC-FPC of bamboo juice was set up with 29 common peaks;
They let Shun revamp the roof of granary and set fire under the barn, Shun jumped to escapewith two bamboo hats in hand;
They let Shun revamp the roof of granary and set fire under the barn, Shun jumped to escapewith two bamboo hats in hand;