Then, with a bang, the butcher's wife broke out of the coal cellar, and ran down the road.
Astronomers searching the skies for black holes discovered a star that was going out with a whimper rather than a bang.
Granted, there are a few sites out there that offer more tips, but these three tips are by far the most "bang for the buck" when it comes to performance gains.
Our friends at Big Bang Blogs give us the lowdown on the weirdest rainbows out there.
The Big Bang Model does not attempt to describe that region of space significantly beyond our horizon - space-time could well be quite different out there.
Mr Bernanke sat behind a rather large mahogany desk, looking strikingly as though he were about to bang out a tune on an upright piano.
When we see the world with a well-defined space and time [or spacetime as Einstein put it] this may just be some particular state of the Universe that has emerged out of the Big Bang.
But, he laments, now "you have to go out and blow the trumpet and bang the drum in front of your book."
That noise turned out to be the cosmic microwave background, the afterglow of the big bang fireball.
Classic jean fits will give you the most bang for your denim buck because you'll be able to get a lot of versatility out of them.
With the 'big bang' upgrade approach, I would not be able to rehearse or test the upgrade process and there was potential to be caught out by unknown issues.
The hiss they found at one particular frequency turned out to be evidence for the then-controversial idea that the universe had been born in a Big Bang.
The book is a huge success — millions of people bought it, there's a rabid and devoted following, and the publisher is already forcing you to bang out several sequels.
My Wall Street clients thought it was a cinch to bang out a few pages of drivel, and therefore paid accordingly.
We heard the van coming down the hill with the brakes screeching, as we looked out we heard a big bang.
It is the light that was finally allowed to move out across space once a post-Big-Bang Universe had cooled sufficiently to permit the formation of hydrogen atoms.
The concept came out of the BBC1 science program called "Bang Goes the Theory," and will go on a 210-mile drive between Manchester and London that consumes about 11,760 espressos.
Okay, in that case: @-mentions in document comments that shoot off emails to people, Google Forms to quickly gather feedback, and real-time editing to bang out ideas as a group.
In this data, physicists will seek out some signature of inflation, a period of rapid expansion just a fraction of a second after the Big Bang.
December usually closes with a bang as W3C working groups rush to finish their work and push out specs before the Christmas holidays.
W3C工作组通常在12 月完成预期的工作,并在圣诞节之前发布规范。
Anderson used Amazon's cloud computing system to set up millions of "monkeys" (which are actually simple computer programs) that randomly bang out nine-character combinations.
If you're starting out, there's no better bang for your time than learning the most common words. Studies by linguists have shown that.
But there's a simple way for the groom to send his Bros out with a bang... bridesmaids.
The echoing bang of the slammed cellar door had not died away before there was a terrible, drawn-out scream from directly above them.
No, you just pick out a relative and bang away, and you are sure to get him.
Grier gets such a bang out of life that he can hardly bear to end each day by going to sleep.
But looking at the Numbers, you'll get far more bang out of tweaks to the atomic element pages than the home page.
When the loud bang was heard, lots of people ran out (of their houses) to see what has caused the noise.
When the loud bang was heard, lots of people ran out (of their houses) to see what has caused the noise.