Compared with all other options, it's the biggest, easiest and most profitable bang for the buck.
B they may come in handy. Besides, these items can be true bang for the buck.
You can always get more bang for the buck by eating a lot in a buffet dinner.
But adding memory still gives you more bang for the buck than any other, in my view.
You paid only one thousand dollars for that car? That was really bang for the buck.
So we get a lot more bang for the buck with those four lines of code than we used to.
Sooner or later the advertisers will recognize that they're not getting much bang for the buck.
On the other hand, they offer quite a bit of bang for the buck, so to speak, in terms of architectural code coverage.
They wanted to know which subsets of skills are the easiest to master and/or which ones will deliver the most bang for the buck.
Although learning a new language is a hassle, you get lots of bang for the buck from functional languages when you understand their features.
They bolster findings from similar, smaller studies and show that high-quality preschool "gives you your biggest bang for the buck," said Dr.
The trick is to identify which members could give positive health efforts the best bang for the buck and to create the best design for such programs.
But while television is a good servant, it's a bad master. It can swallow up huge quantities of people's lives, without much happiness bang for the buck.
Granted, there are a few sites out there that offer more tips, but these three tips are by far the most "bang for the buck" when it comes to performance gains.
The point is that while the deal will cost a lot - adding more to federal debt than the original Obama stimulus - it's likely to get very little bang for the buck.
This slim volume is packed with tips to help wage slaves as well as lottery winners get the most "happiness bang for your buck".
After all, by continuing to pile riches on the narrow winners, the taxpayers are not getting the maximum bang for their buck if the close losers are performing just as well or even better.
Also, he notes, the most difficult problems are always the most expensive to solve, which makes challenging projects less attractive if they’re judged by their “bang-for-the-buck” efficiency.
You can wear the same great glasses every day, so you get the most bang for your buck when you splurge on them.
Classic jean fits will give you the most bang for your denim buck because you'll be able to get a lot of versatility out of them.
With drug companies trying to get more bang for their research and development buck, look for the trend to continue.
And she says in places such as the Asian subcontinent - where iron deficiency is endemic - supplementing with iron delivers an even larger bang for the public health buck.
The second is knowing where to get started, including what software will provide you with the best bang for your backup buck.
Some things may have to fall by the wayside, but you want to get the most bang for your time buck.
At the same time, it's important to make sure that you get the most bang for your buck when it comes to taking the time and energy to learn new skills.
Recently, virtualization has become a big buzzword in the UNIX field, with companies trying to determine how to get the most bang for their buck.
In the short run, policymakers must focus on measures with the biggest bang-for-the-buck, that create jobs and kick-start growth, and that take distributional considerations into account.
In the short run, policymakers must focus on measures with the biggest bang-for-the-buck, that create jobs and kick-start growth, and that take distributional considerations into account.