In the aftermath of the bank run, many borrowers will find it harder to get loans and will have to pay more for them.
Unfortunately, what we've seen recently is a kind of a bank run on the asset-backed commercial paper.
They thought they had the system solved, but then they had a bank run last year.
A run on the bank usually happens when people believe there is danger a bank may fail or close.
Banks such as Bear Stearns and Lehman made the fatal mistake of assuming that the markets (often their fellow Banks) would always be willing to roll over their debts, but they suffered a bank run.
In a modern bank run, the actors rushing for the exits are institutional lenders not individual depositors.
HSBC is now 'a vastly different bank from the conservatively run local institution' of decades ago, one newspaper editorial said.
If the lenders were to pull out, prompting a debt crisis or a bank run, problems could then spread to Estonia or Lithuania.
But then, this being the year of the bank run, it is early yet to rule out problems anywhere on the periphery.
A bank run is a situation where a bank can be bankrupted simply on the strength of the fear that it might happen.
"As corny as it sounds," she says, "we're a bank run on love."
This week Globex, a small retail bank, experienced a run on deposits.
The bank is mainly run by a tight-knit group of veterans from the original takeover.
Argentina's economic collapse of 2001-2 duly prompted a bank run and recession in Uruguay.
2001- 2002年阿根廷经济的崩溃导致了乌拉圭的银行挤兑潮和经济衰退。
The plan is to sell the good bank and gradually run down the assets of the bad one, making sure in the process that neither distorts competition.
The outcome was frighteningly similar to a bank run, but one that affected the entire wholesale money market.
Meanwhile, old power patterns still determine who holds the two top jobs: the bank is run by an American, the fund by a European.
And a bank that faces a run by depositors, lacking the cash to meet their demands, may go bust even if the rumor was false.
Regulators, for their part, took comfort from the fact that hybrids were a bit like equity in that payments could be stopped to preserve capital should a bank run into trouble.
"They have suffered a bank run" after the recent suspension of two other Banks, South Korea's Financial Services Commission (FSC) said in a statement.
It is more flexible (with a floating exchange rate) and its central bank is still soundly run.
Manipulating the interest rate alone, without -as happens in most central-bank-run economies -simultaneously changing the money supply will usually have little effect.
He demanded his tuppence back from the Dawes Tomes Mousley Grubbs Fidelity Fiduciary Bank, and started a run.
Yet some economists say the strip is growing faster than the West Bank run by Hamas's rival Palestinian Authority (PA), albeit from a far lower base.
It is an international bank run that pushed Ireland into its unpopular bailout last fall.
The question is: to what extent is the Bank of Japan willing to run with this activity?
Any significant increases in funding for the Bank must come with a say for poor countries in the way the Bank is run.
Then the first bank run in Britain since Victorian times was stopped only when the Treasury guaranteed all the deposits at beleaguered Northern Rock, the country's fifth-biggest mortgage lender.
Then the first bank run in Britain since Victorian times was stopped only when the Treasury guaranteed all the deposits at beleaguered Northern Rock, the country's fifth-biggest mortgage lender.