Bank administrator: the administrator for each hosted bank that has the capability to perform account operations through Web pages.
Bank Administrator:每个托管银行中可以通过Web页面执行帐号操作的管理员。
A bank administrator who knew both companies well had acted as a go-between before our CEO met directly with the CEO of rival firm to discuss a possible merger.
Their task is to administer the instance of the system for Bank A. This role can be further divided following the same taxonomy as the provider administrator role.
他们的任务是为 BankA管理系统的实例。可以按照与提供者管理员角色相同的方式对此角色进行进一步划分。
In part 5, of this series a scenario and use case was described with Sam Peters as the service provider administrator for the Jivaro bank multi-tenant application.
The next task is for the IT Administrator role to authorize the Viewer to see the public endpoints for his subscribed service in Jivaro Bank service registry.
下一个任务是IT管理员角色授权查看者在Jivaro Bank服务注册中心能够查看其订阅的服务的公共端点。
The Bank of Spain put CajaSur, a lender based in Cordoba, under a provisional administrator two days ago.
Immediately report the loss to the bank, re-submit a new card and inform the administrator of the new card number.
Immediately report the loss to the bank, re-submit a new card and inform the administrator of the new card number.