C: Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveller's check-buying rate which we have listed here.
The People's Bank of China must stop buying us dollars and allow the renminbi exchange rate to be decided by market forces as soon as possible.
Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveller's check-buying rate which we have listed here.
Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check buying rate, for which we're somewhere cheaper than hotels because of the service charge.
Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check-buying rate, which are somewhat better than at hotels because of the service charge.
Ecb's Nowotny hinted that the bank may extend its bond buying programme and the long-term liquidity available for Banks, which we think is more likely than a rate cut at this stage.
If you keep your money in the bank for a certain period of time, you can get a higher interest rate by buying a savings certificate.
Well, any bank will cash it at our present travellers check-buying rate which we have listed here.
Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check-buying rate, which we somewhat better than at hotels because of the service charge.
Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check-buying rate, which we have listed here.
Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check-buying rate, which are somewhat better than at hotels because of the service charge.
Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check-buying rate, which we have listed here.
T: Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check-buying rate, which we somewhat better than at hotels because of the service charge.
T: Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check-buying rate, which we somewhat better than at hotels because of the service charge.