65 trillion: Euro zone bank debt coming due in 2010 and 2011.
The deal is to be financed with a mix of cash, shares and short-term bank debt.
And, as it's turned out, particularly for the bank debt the risk is extremely low.
The stock of bank debt and hence the risks of bad loans may therefore still be large.
In 1990 Mexico swapped unpayable bank debt for so-called Brady bonds, worth about 35% less.
Korea was also helped by a restructuring of its short-term bank debt by foreign Banks.
Tim Bond of Barclays Capital says the sell-off in senior bank debt is “completely baseless”.
For more information on the Bank's bonds and notes, go to the World Bank Debt Securities.
Even as new regulations increase the supply of longer-dated bank debt, others may suppress investors' appetite for it.
Cerberus owns Chrysler, while J.P. Morgan is one of the largest holders of Chrysler bank debt and a key lender for GM.
The yields on bank debt have also been rising and diverging sharply from the yields on non-financial debt (see chart).
Companies have also tapped the markets by offering bonds - using the proceeds to pay back their now very expensive bank debt.
Moody's, a ratings agency, notes that the average lifespan of new bank debt has fallen to its lowest level in at least 30 years.
In 1990 Mexico swapped unpayable bank debt for so-called Brady bonds, worth about 35% less. Mr Carstens helped negotiate the deal.
In Europe, the 15 countries that share the euro have now promised to guarantee new bank debt and to inject capital into ailing Banks.
However, no evidence shows that cash flow, bank debt, and maturity structure of debt have relation with corporate cash holdings.
European bank shares have fallen by 40% this summer; in the third quarter investors in European subordinated bank debt lost almost 13%.
Though that would indeed set an example (and drastically lower the cost to the public purse) it risks a catastrophic Lehman-style flight from all bank debt.
In marked contrast to the pounding that their shares have taken since the start of the year, credit-default-swap spreads on bank debt have remained relatively static.
The U.S. is weighing two dramatic steps to repair ailing financial markets: guaranteeing billions of dollars in bank debt and temporarily insuring all U.S. bank deposits.
If you had been about to buy senior bank debt, it meant that you would think twice. If, like the car industry, you wanted a soft loan, you were encouraged to press your case.
It isn't clear whether there is consensus within the ECB to make an adequate demonstration: to dramatically scale up bond purchases, for example, or to buy up bank debt.
What is more, about $1.4 trillion of bank debt falls due in Europe this year and next, just as bondholders have received their first big blow of the crisis thanks to Lehman’s demise.
Essentially the Federal Reserve recapitalized the banking industry by buying its mortgage-backed securities (and other bank debt as well), thus pouring cash into the banking system.
The risk is that China's transition will be made worse by policies whose effect will be to cause a short-term and unsustainable rise in fiscal borrowing, bank debt and corporate inventory.
The risk is that China's transition will be made worse by policies whose effect will be to cause a short-term and unsustainable rise in fiscal borrowing, bank debt and corporate inventory.