To guarantee the implementation of the contract, each party shall submit to the other a performance guarantee issued by a bank agreed by both parties.
To satisfy this need, performance guarantee insurance derives from bank individual consumption credit business, gains general accept -ability from the parties interested, and presents great vitality.
Confirmation from the supplier to provide 10% Performance Bank Guarantee as per Customer's format and conditions, in case order is placed on you.
The performance bond shall be furnished by the seller by a bank guarantee in the form attached toe bid document.
所有投标文件必须连同占投标部份2%的投标 保证金或银行保函一起提交。
The performance bond shall be furnished by the seller by a bank guarantee in the form attached toe bid document.
所有投标文件必须连同占投标部份2%的投标 保证金或银行保函一起提交。