Along with bank runs and market crashes, oil shocks have rare power to set monsters loose.
If it carried out that threat, a liquidity crisis in Greece, bank runs and other mayhem could ensue.
Deposit insurance is a standard antidote to bank runs and is typically financed by a levy on deposit-takers.
When the ball hits the ceiling fan, sometime early 2011 at the earliest, there will be massive bank runs.
And as the unknown unknowns have turned into known unknowns, the system has been experiencing postmodern bank runs.
Second, I emphasise that bank runs come in many forms and bank runs can occur even when individual depositors are insured.
Again, there would be bank runs in Europe as depositors fled weaker countries, leading to the reintroduction of capital controls.
The safety net arrangement creates confidence to consumers on their money deposited with the Banks thereby reducing the bank runs.
One reason to have deposit insurance is to prevent bank runs, but partial deposit insurance is ineffective if it does not cover 100%.
Though there haven't been any signs of bank runs, the risk is that a bigger economic panic could scare Italians into putting their money elsewhere.
The mere prospect of euro break-up could cause bank runs in weak economies as depositors scrambled to move savings abroad to avoid forced conversion.
Bank supervision are measures adopted which will insure that the bank runs prudently and keeps enough funds and reserves to resist the business risk.
PAUL KRUGMAN: As a technical matter, it's almost impossible to leave the euro-any country that even began the process would face the mother of all bank runs.
We constructed a banking crisis model based on asymmetric information. In this model, currency appreciation can trigger bank runs through balance sheet channel.
At worst, some Banks may fail-and trigger real bank runs in countries whose shaky public finances have left them ill equipped to prop up their financial institutions.
Friedman (and coauthor Anna Schwartz) famously faulted the Federal Reserve for not printing enough new money in the early 1930s to offset the decline fueled by bank runs.
In other words, bank supervision are measures adopted which will insure that the bank runs prudently and keeps enough funds and reserves to resist the business risk.
Therefore, regulators impose capital restrictions on Banks in order to prevent possible bank runs and large fiscal costs associated with the bailout of insolvent Banks.
Banks still are vulnerable to bank runs because they still have deposits so the system is still vulnerable and therefore the Federal reserve has a set of reserve requirements.
Excessive borrowing by Banks was one of the major causes of the financial crisis, leading to catastrophic bank runs in 2008 at firms including Bear Stearns Cos. and Lehman Brothers.
银行的过度借贷是造成金融危机的主要原因之一,2008年曾造成贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns Cos。)和雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)等公司的灾难性银行挤兑。
The development in real estate make it a fact that the real estate fund depends too much on the bank credit. The commercial bank runs the risks of markets and credits in every link.
Most of the literature on bank runs takes the asset side of the bank activities as given and assumes that the bank's returns are determined by an exogenously given production function.
Theoretically, deposit insurance changes incentive restrictions faced by the depositors. On one hand, it eliminates the panic bank runs, so as to isolate the infectivity of bank crisis.
Walter Bagehot, an authority on bank runs, once wrote: “Every banker knows that if he has to prove that he is worthy of credit, however good may be his arguments, in fact his credit is gone.”
Deflation serves no benefit to the Federal Reserve, as declining prices spur positive-feedback panic selling and bank runs, and debt repayments in nominal terms under deflation cause real losses.
If the market keeps shunning Italian and Spanish debt and bank stocks keep falling, Europe will face more damaging bank runs and a disorderly default on someone's debt will become almost unavoidable.
Ken Lewis is still CEO of Bank of America, and the same board still runs the company.
Indeed, mini bank-runs helped spark the current crisis.
As a result, Europe runs the risk of repeating Japan's "lost decade" in the 1990s, when huge losses clogged bank balance sheets and inhibited new lending.
As a result, Europe runs the risk of repeating Japan's "lost decade" in the 1990s, when huge losses clogged bank balance sheets and inhibited new lending.