There are plenty of ideas on offer, from changing the bankruptcy law so that judges can restructure mortgage debt to empowering special trustees to write down loans.
A state bankruptcy law, on the other hand, would prepare for a possible future calamity: the inability of some states to pay for workers' pensions and health care.
Slowly but surely, however, bankruptcy law has changed in favour of the corporate debtor.
Last year a new bankruptcy law came into effect, but it is incomplete and poorly understood.
With lenders in most countries seeing their rights under bankruptcy law curtailed, they might have been expected to insist on more safeguards upfront.
The UAE already has a bankruptcy law but almost no one uses it.
What they do: Attorneys can choose to concentrate on a variety of specializations, which include tax law, criminal law, civil law, bankruptcy, environmental law and more.
Bankruptcy law: it's sad, but true: As companies and individuals go bankrupt, they'll need a lawyer to help them work through it all.
To solve fundamentally the problem of "executory contract" can be achieved only by the revision on the bankruptcy law in whole.
The study on the bankruptcy discharge system as an important part of the natural person bankruptcy law began in recent years.
At present, the draft of bankruptcy law of our country passes the second review. It sets up one chapter and stipulates bankruptcy reorganization system.
The bankruptcy limit is one core problem of the most basic and key problems in the bankruptcy law.
Then I study the optimal bankruptcy law under this asymmetric information and the effect of judiciary discretion on bankruptcy law and the economic efficiency.
The Congress passed a new bankruptcy law.
Enterprise bankruptcy law of our country has introduced bankrupt supervisor system, has substituted for bankrupt settlement group in the old bankruptcy law.
Trust in the system and the insolvency administrator of China's system of comparative studies, such as the trust system will be introduced China's bankruptcy law, can also have a positive effect.
According to China's current bankruptcy law, only corporate juridical persons have the capacity of bankruptcy, natural persons can not be bankrupted.
Generated from and the history and the evolution of the bankruptcy system, the initial bankruptcy law is only applicable to a natural person.
And it gives an insightful demystification on the establishment and realization on the products thereof from a perspective of Chinese and western bankruptcy law.
Exemption right in bankruptcy law is the reflection of security interest in the sense of civil law in bankruptcy procedures and the acknowledgement of the security interest in the sense of civil law.
The bankruptcy law should limit the debtor 's property right and personality - status right during and after the case, but all limitation would be regained by "right - regain" system.
The economic law value orientation of the new bankruptcy law lies in the socialized production.
Since the institution and implementation of the bankruptcy Law in China, the assets of many ventures can not meet their debts, but few of them declare bankruptcy.
To exercise exemption right in bankruptcy, it is necessary to conform to not only the requirements in contract law and property law, but also the provisions in bankruptcy law.
The provisions of the existing bankruptcy law of China, which are only applicable to business entities, are not related to the natural persons.
Secondly, the unifying movement of the transnational bankruptcy law.
Then, it evaluates and analyses the provisions of the discharge system in the new bankruptcy law draft of China, and points out the deficiency of the draft.
Then, it evaluates and analyses the provisions of the discharge system in the new bankruptcy law draft of China, and points out the deficiency of the draft.