Drinkers line the bar at Byrnes Tavern.
When you cross the finish line you'll be given a bar code and you take this to one of the run volunteers, who will scan it.
Does every apply to the bar graph, broken line graph, pie diagram?
By using these scripts, you can build BAR files efficiently and quickly move from one configuration to another by simply changing a parameter in the command line.
Walk through the code and place your cursor on the marker bar (along the left edge of the editor area) on the line with the suspected code.
In addition, viewing an element is initially presented as a single line, but you can expand the view to include multiple lines (as many as needed with a scroll bar) on a per-element basis.
For information such as defect statistics, the most natural way to present it would be using bar charts or line charts.
You will be able to modify some of the specifications such as the range and type of chart (bar or line, stacked or clustered), color and pattern choices, breakdown dimension and tooltips.
Walk through the code and place your cursor on the marker bar (along the left edge of the editor area) on the line with the suspected code. Double-click to set the breakpoint.
Because each command cannot determine the number of bytes in its respective operation, the accumulated totals and the activity bar are shown on each line.
Present navigation as a series of links in a single line of text in a horizontal bar under the header (s), if any.
The Y-axis scaling factor is calculated on line 104 in the exact same way as in the bar chart example (see Listing 2).
Y 轴比例因子是在第 104行计算的,方法和上面的柱状图使用的方法一样(请参阅清单2)。
The Y-axis scaling factor is calculated on line 104 in the exact same way as in the bar chart example (see Listing 2).
A new breakpoint marker appears on the marker bar, directly to the left of the line where you added the breakpoint.
Finally, you can deploy the newly created BAR file from the command line, using the mqsideploy.bat script provided by the installation in the bin directory.
最后您可以通过命令行部署最新创建的BAR文件,方法是使用bin目录中的安装程序提供的mqsideploy . bat脚本。
Whenever a user selects Open from a menu bar, the run method on line 13 executes.
Fill determines the color of the fill area under the line in area line graphs and determines the bar fill color for bar and column graphs.
Directly to the left of the line where you want to add the breakpoint, open the marker bar (vertical ruler) pop-up menu and click Toggle breakpoint.
With support for chart types such as line, column, pie, and stacked bar, Ext JS charts can find a place in most applications.
有了对如折线图、柱状图、饼图、堆叠条形图的图表类型的支持,ExtJS 图表在很多应用程序中有了用武之地。
You can also put two or more statements on a single line by separating them with a vertical bar.
Monitor provides many chart styles, such as pie charts, bar charts (bottom) and line charts (Figure 4).
In the Text Editor window that opens make sure you do NOT edit anything bar the line highlighted in the screenshot below.
Part of the Sencha Touch offering, this library enables developers to build interactive radar, bar, line, stacked, and pie charts that are optimized for Apple iOS, Android and BlackBerry devices.
作为Sencha Touch的一部分,开发者可以使用该库构建针对AppleiOS、Android以及BlackBerry设备的交互式雷达、柱状、直线、堆叠以及饼状图。
Three weeks ago we wrote about Firefox's plans to build the command-line-type Ubiquity system into the address bar.
Amazingly for the British, who love queues, there is no formal line-up — the bar staff is skilled at knowing whose turn it is.
I had already written code that could draw bar charts, line graphs, and scatter plot graphs in SVG very nicely.
One day, hanging around in a bar waiting to be served, she noticed that none of the beer line-up was aimed at women.
You can also scale line graphs with a similar approach to that used with a bar graph.
In addition, local bar associations often have a referral service and may even have a hot line you can call to find an employment lawyer.
Athletes may grab a candy bar before the big race to help them across the finish line.