Here, "Columns" is used as the vertical bar chart for the car sales.
As will be apparent from this bar chart, sales have risen dramatically.
Listing 1 is a Python script that creates a bar chart from a set of data.
It can be concluded from the bar chart that letters are not as popular as E-mails.
从柱状图中我们可以推导出书信不像E -mail这样流行。
The bar chart compares the income of teachers of Onlytoya College in 2006 and 2007.
The bar chart range is indicates desired targets for each phase of the pipeline.
Popular queries bar chart: This chart shows the popularity of queries issued by users.
How do I set custom ticks along the Xaxis in D3? Or name the bars in a bar chart?
The bar chart below shows the huge growth of UK car exports over the past few years.
The bar chart reveals the changes of new employees of Onlytoya College from Jan. to Dec. 2007.
The first view you will see is a bar chart showing the most costly data structures in the heap.
To determine the direction of the major trend, look at what is happening on a daily bar chart.
The bar chart displays the invocation response time for each endpoint selected for a Web service.
We learn from the bar chart that people in mounting Numbers leave rural areas and enter the cities.
BVG means we want a bar chart that is vertically-oriented and the bars are grouped (as opposed to stacked).
Concluding from what we've seen in…and contrasting that with what was in…we've drawn up this bar chart…
In addition to the table view used throughout this article, you can also select from a pie or bar chart view.
Select the bar chart radio button, and choose the colors and patterns you want to use, as shown in Figure 14.
选择bar chart单选按钮,并选择您想要使用的颜色和模式,如图14所示。
Clicking on different rows on the table updates the bar chart to display data for the corresponding component.
The battery is charging when the battery icon's bar chart (in the top right corner of the screen) is animated.
Do you agree technical analysis strategy is only trying to divine a "head and shoulders" pattern on a bar chart?
The Y-axis scaling factor is calculated on line 104 in the exact same way as in the bar chart example (see Listing 2).
Y 轴比例因子是在第 104行计算的,方法和上面的柱状图使用的方法一样(请参阅清单2)。
The Y-axis scaling factor is calculated on line 104 in the exact same way as in the bar chart example (see Listing 2).
Timesheets. A bar chart is generated for each individual, with the bar turning red if an individual works more than 40 hours.
What is presently vividly in the bar chart is that the way people received education experienced an earth-shaking change.
Diagram 17 is a bar chart showing the number of girls in tree groups. The number of girls in Fortitude group is not shown.
Included in the samples are two bar chart graphers, one of them draws the simple rectangles as described earlier (see Figure 3).
The bar chart given above reflects the number of rural and urban population experienced some changes over the past decades.
The only other functionality you need to account for is displaying the bar chart in red if the employee goes over a 40-hour work week.
The only other functionality you need to account for is displaying the bar chart in red if the employee goes over a 40-hour work week.