They were, rather, a loose collection of songs transmitted by generations of Greek bards, and only redacted in their present form at some later date.
A must-have cantrip for all Bards.
In reading their verse aloud, few bards can compare to Dylan Thomas.
Bards are able to create their own songs by stringing effects together.
Not for the bards of the past, not to invoke them have I launch'dyou forth.
He is also known as the Binder of What is known, and is the Patron of Bards.
I thought you were mocking wizards. What would you do if I mocked the bards?
Fresh coffee beans are produced at the scene, can be considered one of the best coffee Bards.
If your interview isn't until later in the day, steer clear of stinky bards, such as Onions and garlic.
If your interview isn't until later in the day, steer clear of stinky bards, such as Onions and garlic.
He is a descendant of the first Phoenix King, and some Elven bards say that he is in fact Aenarion reborn, so valiant and skilled is he.
Writers like Diodorus and Strabo with less firsthand experience than Caesar, were of the opinion that this class included Druids, bards and soothsayers.
A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages.
A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages.
Then these images made their mysterious appearance in water ink and Xuan paper, the spots and unrestrained ink-splashes in the paper were the melancholic knots of bards.
I've always felt that the greatest and most beautifulstories in the history of humanity were not sung by wandering bards or writtenby playwrights and novelists, but told by science.
That seemed to be a good compromise between forcing sorcerers and bards to make long term decisions for their spells and allowing them freedom to select multiple new spells in a timely fashion.
Hours of Idleness. The adverse criticism it deservedly got stung Byron not to despair but to revenge, and he replied with a satire in the manner of Pope called English Bards and Scotch Reviewers.
Hours of Idleness. The adverse criticism it deservedly got stung Byron not to despair but to revenge, and he replied with a satire in the manner of Pope called English Bards and Scotch Reviewers.