Retailers hope the case will allow them extensive freedom to sell top branded goods at bargain basement prices.
You know how you take much better care of an item of clothing you spent a mint on compared to one you bought in a bargain basement?
The alternative for me is to say that each time the market drops and throws up some of these bargain basement ideas, I'll deploy some capital as long as I have some capital left.
THE term “bargain basement” was supposedly coined to describe the first outlet of Filene’s Basement, an American discount shopping chain whose bags scream “I just got a bargain!” in large red letters.
With the recent publicity and fanfare surrounding African Mango, it's no surprise that sites are popping up all over the Internet claiming to offer African Mango at bargain-basement prices.
TouchPad stocks in Australia and New Zealand sold out as prices were slashed to bargain-basement prices, and us stores which took up the opportunity also sold thousands.
All the hype about Christmas sales over the last few weeks masked the fact that American consumers demanded bargain-basement prices.
In nearly ever major metropolitan area, companies provide a wide range of services for hosting online games, including everything from bargain-basement colocation to fully managed hosting.
This may seem obvious, but it's the biggest secret to getting top-notch goods at bargain-basement prices: the more expensive parts of town will have better items for sale.
October 17, 2008—Fossil hunters searching woods behind a suburban shopping mall have scored a basement bargain: a piece of rock with the oldest known impression of a flying insect (above).
马萨诸塞州的化石搜集团队,在城郊商场后面的树林里搜寻的时候,发现了这块印有古老昆虫足迹的化石。 按专家的说法,这好比“中了彩票大奖”。
"Though both new Macs sport important improvements, they are evolutionary, not revolutionary, and neither follows the industry trend toward bargain-basement prices," Mossberg said.
Thanks to a rare confluence of factors — mortgages that far exceed home values and bargain-basement rents — a growing number of families are concluding that the new American dream home is a rental.
Although the debt is huge, it is at bargain-basement interest rates and repayable over decades.
In addition, these are mortgages that have recently been purchased in massive amounts by the Federal Reserve, an action that also helped to keep rates at bargain-basement levels.
In addition, these are mortgages that have recently been purchased in massive amounts by the Federal Reserve, an action that also helped to keep rates at bargain-basement levels.