Don't bargain down price, bargain up quantity.
This, in the best of all possible worlds, could be the basis of a grand bargain in which each side decides to back down a little to avoid an explosive confrontation.
Suddenly, though, a striking number of senior EU figures are convinced that the grand bargain is breaking down.
On that morning of November 28, 2008, bargain-hungry crowds were staring down guards and doormen across America.
Bottom line: Despite a bargain price, CNOOC is getting a complicated deal with its purchase of a bankrupt Canadian oil sands producer, which could result in headaches for CNOOC down the road.
In the bargain, the dark do not hunt one down; alas one is only setting oneself to be used in the dance, and this will lead to a failed ascent in the long haul.
Clothes are the best bargain, with many items marked down.
Their purchase sends a signal down the supply chain that a child's life is more valuable than a few dollars' bargain.
Suzanna: I I remember, but I didn't bargain for someplace as run-down as this. Look at the peeling wallpaper and moldy bathroom.
Sometimes you think that is a bargain you cannot turn down and don't forget Arshavin got us in the Champions League last season.
My father glanced down at what I was doing, turned to the customer and said, "You sure got a bargain today."
While it's far too early to pick winners in the self-driving-car arms race, the current down cycle in auto stocks could let investors place some early bets at bargain prices.
One thing you should remember is that you are expected to bargain by writing down your offer, and having the shop owner write down his.
One thing you should remember is that you are expected to bargain by writing down your offer, and having the shop owner write down his.