Some officers bark out their orders.
When appropriate, they will bark out error messages like "This required element is missing" and "That element cannot be reoccurring."
It is easy to blurt out a swear word at an inappropriate time, or to bark out a tactless or tasteless remark before you have a chance to consider the impact.
The bark was stretched over frames made from tree branches, stitched together and sealed with resin—you know that the sticky liquid that comes out of the tree—and when it dries, it's watertight.
He made cheap zhi out of tree bark and old cloth.
As the poet said, 'Only God can make a tree' — probably because it's so hard to figure out how to get the bark on.
The dog did not bark therefore the dog did not know the visitor, that shouldn't be there, that's the one that I said that shouldn't be there when I got this started. So you can take that not out.
The paper points out that the factors which influence the bark quantity are soil quality, the position and the shape of the slope, the depth of humus soil, and the content of organic matter.
They wore loin cloths made out of tree bark, and lived in a timber hut raised five metres above the ground.
Fresh complete wheat toast: it is on soft oak bark, just come out of the stove, scribble sweet - scented osmanthus honey last year so make it good feast.
Presently I heard Pilot bark far below, out of his distant kennel in the courtyard: hope revived.
Knots peer out from the bark of these North American aspen trees.
They have also noticed that snakes come out of the ground to freeze to death and that dogs bark a lot, even normally quiet dogs.
You can even use a sharp cutting blade to cut out small dents into the bark.
As a child in a rural community in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, even the threat of home remedies like red oak bark tea was usually sufficient to scare the sickness out of me.
As a child in a rural community in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, even the threat of home remedies like red oak bark tea was usually sufficient to scare the sickness out of me.