While the.net framework standardizes a lot of stuff, there are many hardware features that simply aren't covered by the Base Class Library.
Many of its initial members sit on the.net board and many of its guidelines are directly lifted from the rules followed by the.net Base Class Library.
While the rest of the .NET framework evolved and built upon the 2.0 version of the CLR, the base class library team has been slowly building their wish list.
当其余的.NET框架基于CLR 2.0版本之上不断演进与构建时,基类库团队却在缓慢地构建他们的期望列表。
It also includes nearly all of the Base Class Library (BCL) including things like Garbage Collection, Threading, Math Functions, System.Net, Cryptography, etc.
也包括几乎所有的基类库(Base Class Library,BCL),涵盖诸如垃圾收集(Garbage Collection)、线程、数学函数、System.Net、加密等。
Framework bloat is a major concern for some projects, and as such, all of Ninject's core functionality is in a single assembly with no dependencies outside the.net base class library.
The code in Listing 2 demonstrates how the Panel component in the Spark library does little more than extend the SkinnableContainer base class.
Using the encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism of OOP, a foundation class library of small satellite software is designed, the detail design of all base classes is introduced.
PowerFish is a class library, intended to provide a broad functionality base for any application. Although the focus is on game and demo development.
The traditional components of an expert system, such us knowledge base, inference engine and user interface are reconstructed and integrated, based on the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) library.
The traditional components of an expert system, such us knowledge base, inference engine and user interface are reconstructed and integrated, based on the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) library.