Threshold migration does not base on time.
Your desktop will actually be a semantic knowledge base on the back-end.
He also had a pirate base on the Island of Padre Island off of the coast of Texas.
This knowledge forms a base on which estimates can be made and risks can be identified.
The biggest is the fate of an American helicopter base on Japan’s southern island of Okinawa.
He added: "It is horrifying that they should come under fire at an army base on American soil."
He landed at an air force base on the outskirts of the city to be met by an enthusiastic crowd.
A Web site containing static content provides a very stable base on which to apply your CSS.
Russia had a maritime base on the Pacific before it had one on either the Baltic or the Black Seas.
Set up and execute procurement procedure base on chain store industry and needs of franchise development.
Install WebSphere Application Server base on the node ha3 (steps 1-9 above, only) with the following information.
在节点ha3上根据如下信息安装WebSphereApplicationServer中心(只需进行步骤1 - 9)。
The Eureka research base on Canada's far-northern Ellesmere Island is often called the world's coldest inhabited place.
Work with them to arrange some means for touching base on a routine basis — say, through a once-a-week meeting or conference call.
We could have a base on the moon within 30 years, reach Mars in 50 years, and explore the moons of the outer planets in 200 years.
The code base on the system can be reproduced if something goes wrong or a bad update or configuration change is made to the system.
However, such cooperation must base on trust, negotiation, equality and mutual benefits. It must proceed from actual facts, rather than deductions.
Le Triomphant suffered damaged to a sonar dome but returned under its own power to its base on L'Ile Longue on France's western tip, France said.
Further afield four per cent are optimistic there will be a permanent human base on Mars while one in ten expect a colony of humans to be living in space.
And over the next 30 years an additional 2 billion people will need food — yet the natural resource base on which agriculture depends is growing increasingly fragile.
He has written several blog entries that describe the process and provide some insight into what it is like to work with the Mozilla code base on the ARM architecture.
The United States and Japan have agreed to drop a 2014 deadline for completing the relocation of a critical U.S. Marine base on the southern Japanese island of Okinawa.
In addition, Japan last weekend decided to retain the US military base on the Okinawa. Japan is also concerned about the Chinese navy's recent activity on the East China Sea.
Now, you can easily tailor and expand the sample portlet application, base on your requirements, to build an SOA solution with fully customized process portal integration.
Other space agencies, notably Russia's, plan to continue exploring: Russia talks of a robotic base on the moon, and unmanned trips to the surface of Venus and the moons of Mars.
But he does it in an unexpected place: not at the company's base on the Atlantic coast in Nova Scotia, Canada, but in a small warehouse far from the sea in Louisville, Kentucky.
But he does it in an unexpected place: not at the company's base on the Atlantic coast in Nova Scotia, Canada, but in a small warehouse far from the sea in Louisville, Kentucky.