Topics covered include the basic architecture, the syntax of the SPU assembly language, and the primary modes of communication between the SPE and the PPE.
This article focuses on the basic syntax and usage of SPE assembly language, and the ABI (the application binary interface, or the function calling conventions of the platform).
本期文章重点放在基本的语法和SPE汇编语言及ABI (applicationbinary interface或平台的函数调用约定)的用法上。
From Basic to Assembly Language, it was on Apple machines that I first developed the key skills I use in my work to this very day.
Adroitness control 80x86 grand the basic technology of assembly language programming, process designing and debug.
The software of this system was written in compile BASIC and 8088 assembly language. It has been used to research the changes of cardiac relaxation of cat burnt.
The software of this system was written in compile BASIC and 8088 assembly language. It has been used to research the changes of cardiac relaxation of cat burnt.