The basic cost per additional patient so treated was calculated to be 132 pounds sterling.
As long as basic cost, cooperation united, investment united and brand united can create largest profits.
Developed in the 1960s, the poverty threshold represents the basic cost of food for a household, multiplied by three.
Is there a basic cost associated with storing and presenting the information for discovery, and if so, how significant is it?
And we will develop a legal framework for the system of urban and rural basic cost of living allowances to be established.
Once you understand those basic costs of outages, you next need to determine the acceptable total yearly cost of downtime a a "i."e. how much business or productivity can you afford to lose each year?
Underneath the Socialists' brief commitment to cost-of-living organizing lay a basic indifference to the issue itself.
This again reflects rising cost pressures for a range of commodities and basic inputs.
While grounding rods are basic and surge protectors can cost as much as $400 or more, a perhaps bigger expense is to organize and maintain the system, he said.
Basic commodities like oil, electricity, or cotton tend to become more expensive over time, with cost increases working their way through the rest of the system.
The soaring cost of rice and other basic food in Asia has raised security concerns across many Asian countries.
His call came amid rising discontent inside Afghanistan at the spiralling cost of wheat and other basic foods.
Simple cost benefit analysis could also be considered a part of basic citizenship, not some geeky technique that only economists need to learn.
That is partly due to a lot of fancy touches included to meet M&S's demand for an “iconic” factory. Stripped to its basic design, it would have cost about 15% over the odds.
By consolidating IT resources in a single operation, multi-tenancy allows for cost savings over the basic economies of scale.
The emphasis on education also indirectly affected the cost of living, argue Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth Warren and writer Amelia Warren Tyagi in the Two-Income Trap (Basic Books, 2003).
哈佛大学法学院教授ElizabethWarren和作家Amelia WarrenTyagi在《双薪的陷阱》(2003年基础读物)一书中讲到,对于教育的重视也间接影响了生活成本。
The Paracas 158, with six double cabins for guests and four double cabins for crew, would cost about $22m for the basic boat.
With a retail price of $499, the basic iPad 2 is believed to cost around $265 to build.
PXI also requires a cardcage and MXI link, which equals about the cost of three basic instruments.
PXI也需要机箱和MXI LINK,那几乎等于三种基础仪器花费的总和。
The basic supplies and ingredients will cost you, but making several gallons of beer or wine—which can be done in an afternoon—can be quite economical, says blogger Trent Hamm of
In India, for example, many rural inhabitants have no access to power or running water, meaning that any low-cost water purifier must be able to operate in the most basic environment.
Nothing can be more demoralizing to people at the low end of the income scale-where great masses in that region reside-than increases in the cost of basic necessities like food and fuel.
Contemporary footwear varies in style, complexity and cost, from the most basic sandals to high fashion shoes. This post showcases unusual footwear and creative shoe designs from all over the world.
Intuitect Basic is completely free of cost and helps creating Sitemaps, Wireframes and Flowmaps.
Bluetooth Technology is a kind of open specification for wireless data and voice, it is basic on low cost short-range radio link, and it can build a wireless link for immobile and mobile device.
The output is often referred to as soft copy, Monitors vary in size, shape, and cost, Almost all, however, have some basic distinguishing features.
In this paper, we introduce the conception of project life cycle cost management and basic theory of value engineer.
In this paper, we introduce the conception of project life cycle cost management and basic theory of value engineer.