Content: Higher algebra is an important basic course of applied mathematics.
The course of analog circuit is a specialized basic course of electrical engineering.
"Higher Mathematics" is an important basic course in the higher vocational education.
As cultural basic course in professional colleges, how to teach Chinese is worthy to be explored.
Basic Technology of Exchangeability Measurement is an important basic course for machinery majors.
Start with the happy path, the basic course of action — but don't forget the alternate courses as well.
Basic training teaching is a basic course for training students? Ability of performance and dance director.
Network test systems will ultimately backup, is a basic course designed to be completed in one software design!
In 40% foreign colleges, introductory logic as the ABC of logic or basic course of colleges curriculum is offered.
导论逻辑作为大学逻辑入门或基础课程在各国大学开设率为40 %左右。
Fees includes basic course materials, in some specific courses additional material fees will be charged with prior notice.
Math class is a basic course in higher education which is to lay the foundation for the creation of the specialized courses.
VB is a basic course with strong operating property of the computer-related specialized courses in higher vocational colleges.
Music theory ear training basic course in college music training, and interval listening training is the base of ear training.
Culinary skill training is a basic course set for cuisine majors, which plays an important role in culinary teaching practice.
《Building materials》is an important specialized basic course in architectural vocational schools, which is also an applied course.
Engineer mechanics is a basic course of higher engineer course school, it includes two parts: engineer statics and elastic statics.
"Engineering drafting" civil engineering major in Higher Vocational College is an important professional basic course of technology.
Repair of aircraft Composite Structures is a new basic course of aircraft manufacturing engineering, aircraft maintenance directioned.
Road Constructional Materials is an important basic course of highway and bridge major, and is vital in the specialized teaching reform.
As the basic course and the backbone of the discipline, the construction of "Finance" is the pioneer for the innovation of other courses.
Digital electric circuit is an important professional basic course of theory combining practice for electronic and information profession.
Basic course of law, as a course of moral education in college, it is very important to explore the teaching methods of basic course of law.
The sequence diagram of Figure 1 is simpler than that for the basic course of action because the logic of an alternate course is typically simpler.
The course of physical experiment is an important basic course for college students, which fosters their ability to carry out scientific experiments.
Experiment of college Physics, an integrated and systematic practical basic course for engineering college students to engage in scientific experiment.
Experiment of college Physics, an integrated and systematic practical basic course for engineering college students to engage in scientific experiment.