A basic economic law stating that as the price of a good increase, suppliers will be willing to produce more but consumers will demand less, so that price and quantity are both interrelated.
The basic view is that the limited liability of shareholders is not based on the legal logic and it is established by law for the reason of economic rationalism.
All in all, the problems can be concluded as: no uniform commitment, mutual promise, basic standard and unitive saying for the Economic Law textbooks.
Litigable quality is the basic characteristic of Law including Economic Law. Economic Law has Litigable quality and the dispute of which need be solved through judicial way.
In current economic law world, the popular viewpoint is that the effectiveness value is the basic value of economic law, but this viewpoint lacks the rigorous proof.
The article analyses some problems about this law by above thoughts, just like the history practice, basic concept, natural characteristics and economic theory basic and so on.
The concept of economic law is the kernel of and the key to the basic theories of economic law.
The development of vocational ability is an important way of the forming of the manpower capital and it must follow the basic law of the economic activities.
A state interferes and regulates its economy beyond the market interest relationship, which falls within the scope of basic philosophy and jurisprudence of economic law.
Besides, viewing administrative responsibility as the responsibility of administrative law is against the basic concept of administrative law, and leads to the loss of economic responsibility.
Bona fide gaining is an ancient and also a basic civil law system. It purports to protect the safety of transactions and stabilize economic order.
The thesis, guided by the theory Government Intervention Demand, discusses some basic law questions on information security from the view of economic law.
Therefore, these obligations are positive act duty. The basic source of law is the theory of controlled danger and economic analysis of fault.
With regard to the legislation of Tort Liability Law, we should consider the combination of the basic provisions and the concrete categorization of pure economic loss.
The basic idea of legal science of environment and resources law refer to those which conform with ecological law, social economic law and environment rules.
As a law regulating the subject's wealth-dominating relationship over the object, law of property is one of the basic institutions regulating people's social and economic activities.
The China and Western economic law evolves from different eras background, its basic difference of traditional culture is prominent.
The China and Western economic law evolves from different eras background, its basic difference of traditional culture is prominent.