I'd expected that the people who worked for the Association would be really keen on taking part.
We had hoped that the resident magician who worked here through the summer would be able to help out, but they weren't keen on that idea.
It may even be said that they have never been so keen as on this point where, on the contrary, logic seems so desirable.
Anyone keen on another comedy of manners will be disappointed. So too will those who hoped to write off Mr Ferris as a victim of literary hype.
There is a daunting list of things to be done, and Japan, like its elderly citizens, tends not to be keen on change.
The air was chill and I was keen to avoid any vampiric entertainments that may be laid on for visitors after dark.
Still, easing them is now on the table, at a time when America may be especially keen to exert an influence, for three reasons.
The very fact that utilities and their customers, tree-huggers and industrialists alike are all keen on it hints at the many different ends to which it can be turned.
Having discovered how volatile markets can be, Banks will be less keen on trading in the future.
Now, while I am not keen on meting out punishment, as you are well aware, in this case I shall see to it that justice be done.
Those who are particularly keen to get their hands on a copy of a new book, for instance, may be willing to pay a higher price for it, which may explain the persistence of expensive hardbacks.
On the contrary, if you’re keen on tamping down your own cold, “boosting” your immunity may be the last thing you want to do.
The exception to the urge to move appears to be in Asia, where only a tenth of respondents were keen on the idea, a lower rate than in richer Europe or the Americas.
ABC isn't keen on letting the actress leave the network, though, and already has something lined up for her should Cashmere be thrown into the closet.
Plus, since everyone in the audience will be singing along, this song is a natural choice for singers who aren't totally keen on soloing.
In some cases, you will be designing for users who are accustomed to working on command-line operating systems and the applications made for them. They will be keen to have keyboard support.
This will be downloaded by keen enthusiasts, it will be bundled as an update package for most Linux distributions, and it may be included on disc for the next major release of any distro.
Microsoft, its hardware and component partners and Wall Street will be keeping a keen eye on customer adoption of Vista to see if it really was worth the wait.
If you're not keen on entering the competition, you can also join the design team in the Netherlands who will be responsible for prototyping the 5 finalists.
Helpful tools are on hand to help, but your greatest asset will be your keen eye for detail.
But there is also the possibility Indian consumers may not be that keen on Western-style luxury at least not yet.
Danish centre-back Daniel Agger might also leave the Merseyside-based outfit, even though Benitez appears to be keen to hold on to him.
He must be pretty keen on the French girl, they've been dancing the whole night.
Be keen on learning, good at communicating, courageous in undertaking, and brave in innovating.
Be keen on learning, good at communicating, courageous in undertaking, and brave in innovating.