It was resolved that the matter be referred to a higher authority.
The relative items in this report will be referred to the committee for discussion.
One who is fond of or an expert at archery can be referred to as a toxophilite.
These entries will be referred to when you configure the options in LDAP realm you will create in the next steps.
They have successfully inoculated mice against flu using scores of tiny needles that might be referred to as “hyperdermic”, because they do not fully penetrate the skin.
These displays will be referred to as permission displays, since they give an overall view of permissions rather than pure ACL configuration information.
The with clause allows for the definition of a named query within a statement, which can be referred to at a later point in the same statement.
Such an account is valuable. It can be referred to in filling out standard application blanks and is extremely helpful in personal interviews.
But out of the hundreds of locations entered, can any of them truly be referred to as "the best"?
The rules didn't offer details of how violations will be penalized, but to say breaches will be referred to judicial authorities.
You're simply documenting a process or other topic so the documentation can be referred to later if a problem occurs.
Enclosing type parameters should not be referred to inside static members.
The derived services can be referred to in other SCA components, just as with any other SCA service.
派生的服务可以在其他SCA组件中引用,就像其他任何 SCA服务一样。
But if you need any help using the software, expect to be referred to the (not very well organized) website, if you even receive a response at all.
The claim should be referred to the insurance company. We cannot hold ourselves responsible for it.
Such electronic actions may qualify as unfair competition and will therefore be referred to as electronic unfair competition.
Even so, I was a little surprised to be referred to in such a familiar way.
LINAGE-COUNTER can be referred to in procedure division statements; it must not be modified by them.
可以在程序划分语句中引用LINAGE - COUNTER;但不能用这些语句修改它。
Typically, consolidation servers use a set of source-specific connectors that may also be referred to as wrappers.
The latter has to create an object to be referred to, as well as a local reference.
The errors, blunders, and failures of the past should only be referred to to supplement the actions happening right now.
Download the GERONIMO platform from the site listed in the Resources section, and extract the files to a directory to be referred to as {GERONIMO_HOME}.
The XMLEXISTS predicate in the original query got converted into a complex expression that can be referred to using the number Q1.
初始查询中的XMLEXISTS谓词被转换为一个复杂表达式,可以通过编号Q 1引用。
This article will call the requester a client; it can also be referred to as a consumer.
Patients in whom appropriate therapy fails or corneal involvement develops should be referred to an ophthalmologist.
Wolf parents used to be referred to as the alpha male and alpha female or the alpha pair.
A logical context that is not associated with a code context will be referred to as a topic.
A logical context that is not associated with a code context will be referred to as a topic.