If you pick the latter, be sure to choose a bold print that doesn't clash but instead adds contrast.
They have strong leaf color contrast, grow to 2-3ft tall under ideal conditions, and in a pinch can be used in incantations to protect yourself from being bewitched.
它们叶子的颜色对比很强,理想条件下能免长到2~3英尺高。 紧急时还可以保护你不被魔咒所侵害。
The realist, in contrast, estimates exactly what is possible (sometimes a little less, just to be safe).
Chimpanzees, by contrast, never point at things for each other, and when they point for people, it seems to be as a command to go fetch something rather than to share information.
With this method I always remember that there has to be a contrast between your imagination and the reality of the photo.
By contrast, there is a clear reason to be concerned about the use of cloning in animal breeding.
But by contrast, the opportunity we're discussing seems to be made for me and I hope to eventually grow into a position of responsibility.
So, in contrast, if it has a low electronegativity, this then is going to be an electron donor.
In contrast, one of Bollywood's biggest hits in 2008 was "Dostana", a comedy in which two men pretend to be gay so they could rent a house with a woman.
In contrast, Obama will visit only for a day and at present is not planning to be there for the crucial closing sessions.
The last little thing I want to note about contrast is how it can be used as a tool.
In that way it would be useful to make a contrast between Aristotle and someone like Adam Smith the great author of The Wealth of Nations.
By contrast, neutrinos - said to be 'ghostly' because they can travel through anything - have a very small mass.
By contrast, bone can be stored for ages, ground into a paste and successfully used in a range of procedures on various people without regard to say, blood type.
By contrast, on Iraq, the source of so much misfortune, history may be a little kinder to Mr. Blair than his countrymen currently are.
West Germany, by contrast, will not be able to legalize any form of euthanasia for a long time to come.
Now, in contrast to the land, God's sanctuary can be purified for moral impurity by means of a special sacrifice.
Often children can’t be bothered to struggle with a reader because the reward in the end is not worth the effort—slow tedium, that’s what basal readers provide. What a negative contrast to television!
This is in contrast to many other jurisdictions, which require that, for there to be contempt, a comment must create a “real risk” of prejudicing the administration of justice.
If color is used to represent a specific meaning, visually impaired users or users with a system in high contrast mode will be unable identify the message conveyed by the colors alone.
Almost all cargo vessels, by contrast, have flat bottoms, which allow a larger volume to be kept buoyant for a given amount of hull metal.
The natural color of Mimas visible to the human eye may be a uniform gray or yellow color, but this mosaic has been contrast-enhanced and shows differences at other wavelengths of light.
In contrast, IDS SPL supports a similar cursor looping statement but does not allow cursors to be explicitly declared, opened, or closed.
By contrast, Dweck describes a growth mindset, which assumes intelligence and all the qualities for which a person could aspire, are things to be practiced and cultivated.
By contrast, a powerful chief executive will be up to his neck in any battle worth fighting.
By contrast, the To-Be process in Figure 54 shows only one resource that ACTS as a bottleneck: the loan officer.
This approach is in contrast with designing software for a broader audience, which requires you to add various features that may or may not be used.
This approach is in contrast with designing software for a broader audience, which requires you to add various features that may or may not be used.