My role as the host is kind of to be a listener, so I will ask questions that other people would want to ask.
I tend to keep things to myself and be a listener, " said Bai."
Be a better listener yourself, and give others opportunities to participate in the conversation by inviting them with questions or requests to share their own experiences or thoughts.
Some day you may be either a speaker or a listener in a situation involving people from other countries or members of a minority group in North America.
To be honest, I had never realized that he was such a good listener.
While such a sentence might be formally correct, its imbalance jars the listener, and hints at deeper problems.
If you take the same "calm observer" approach with others, you will be a dispassionate listener.
It's important to be a good listener and encourage the other person to talk and open up, but you also want to talk and open up yourself.
The architect should be a good listener and observer, as well as a good talker.
Also, the communication is two-way. The architect should be a good listener and observer, as well as a good talker.
You may find that you can be the recipient of valuable information if you're willing to be a good listener.
If you speak 30% of the time, or less, you'll be seen as generous, attractive, and a good listener.
As for my children, they taught me that a parent should be foremost a listener, a quality I was lacking in many instances.
First, the number of resource definitions on the gateway queue manager increases dramatically, such that for every transmission queue, a listener must be defined on the gateway.
So if there is no listener for a particular notification, it will not actually be propagated.
Sessions used by the listener port thread will be released after they have processed a message (it commits or rolls back).
A good listener must be good at asking questions.
If a transmission queue listener is required, it must be associated with the client connection channel, queue manager proxy, and bridge objects previously created.
The resource adapter can optionally pass a listener that will be notified as the item of work passes through the states of accepted, started, and completed or, in the failure case, rejected.
For example, if the client has a published an asynchronous response listener service supporting one-way operations, a reference to the service's WSDL can be provided on the initial request.
When registering a listener, always be aware of the listener's lifecycle.
As Figure 1 shows, if there are multiple clients connecting to the gateway queue manager through the communications listener, a bottleneck can be created by the bridge queue.
To enable these updates to be received within the broker, you configure a JMS listener internally on the execution group.
When the stock price daemon publishes the change, using a system account, each listener will be notified, but in the listener's security context (Figure 4).
Another technique that can sometimes be used to find otherwise hidden lapsed listeners is preventing a given listener object from being registered twice with a given event source.
Another technique that can sometimes be used to find otherwise hidden lapsed listeners is preventing a given listener object from being registered twice with a given event source.