This liability of the agent shall be akin to that surety.
This would be akin to knowing the secret ingredients in your favorite beer or soft drink.
The noodles had a flavor I found to be akin to dirt – very strange. In the original review, I comment that the broth was 'nightmarish. '
Now one reviewer says the cost of owning a Veyron may approach $300,000 a year-a sum one blogger said may be akin to running a private jet.
For the average consumer, the effect can be akin to going to a dealer to buy a car and being presented with a bunch of parts to assemble yourself.
The lake monster, like that of Loch Ness, is supposed to be akin to a plesiosaur, a kind of a long-necked aquatic dinosaur thought to have been an herbivore.
The guidelines, meant to be akin to the "Food Pyramid" nutritional advice, are based on studies that show clear health benefits from regular, moderate exercise.
Proponents say space elevators would be cheaper, safer and more comfortable to operate than rockets, and speculate that the sensation would be akin to riding on a train.
Pushed by science, or what claims to be science, society is reclassifying what once were considered character flaws or moral failings as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities.
Sure, the analytical thinker can appear to be cold, insensitive, and logical, somewhat akin to the personality of Mr. Spock, but the world needs these attributes.
level. Argumentation would-for the most part-be replaced with somethmg akin to Bohr's principle of complementarity.
如果他们清楚这一点,则争论自然烟消云散——因为只有参与者所谈论的是同一个层次,那么争论才能合情合理地进行下去,而且,辩论通常会被类似玻尔互补原理(Bohr's principleof complementarity)的观点所取代。
He also speculated that the need for sleep was akin to food, where getting less than people want may be better for them.
But as a logical principle, it's akin to what I think of, perhaps unfairly, as the Burchill Fallacy: enraging people on both sides of an issue doesn't prove you "must be doing something right".
Clearly, pushing data into the queue is akin to appending data to the list, and this operation must be guarded by mutex locks.
The proposal that seems to be gaining most traction is for a liquidity facility funded by a levy on the industry, akin to the FDIC’s deposit-insurance scheme for banks.
Following the model where code can be refined a posteriori akin to some substance in some industrial process will generally bring few benefits.
This is akin to leading cats and it proves to be far more effective to motivate people to do the right thing instead of trying to force them to do so.
He said it could be an accident of development, akin to a sixth toe on a cat.
The result could be a cheap competitor for the hedge-fund titans, akin to the index-tracking funds that have eaten into the market shares of active fund managers.
最终将形成这些对冲基金巨头的廉价竞争者。 这类似于指数追踪基金(index-trackingfund)已经蚕食了指数基金(active fund)经理们所控制的市场份额。
Even with multiple lines and comments, it would be generous to call Perl 5's regular expressions dense — they are more akin to line noise to a beginning Perl programmer.
尽管可以分为多行并且可以包含注释,但人们还是认为Perl5的正则表达式很晦涩,对初级perl编程人员来说,它们类似于线路噪音(line noise)。
when peanut butter turned into a guilt-ridden indulgence akin to candy bars, cookies, and cakes: diet disasters to be avoided at all costs.
There will be a few big platforms, akin to today's operating systems, and most applications will be written to one of these platforms.
While the communication would be unbreakable, the data transmission rate would also, at least at first, be glacial, more akin to the telegraph than the Internet.
Given this, crossing that barrier is akin to paying a fixed cost that once it is paid does not have to be paid again.
The proposal that seems to be gaining most traction is for a liquidity facility funded by a levy on the industry, akin to the FDIC's deposit-insurance scheme for Banks.
That would be one way of reading that Hobbes seems to, wants us to think about the state of nature as akin to a scientific experiment.
For so much as it is superior in comparison with all other things, in the same degree also is it more ready to mingle with and to be fused with that which is akin to it.
For so much as it is superior in comparison with all other things, in the same degree also is it more ready to mingle with and to be fused with that which is akin to it.