"Physicians should be attuned to their patients' values," he added.
Intelligent strategies must be attuned to patterns of business behavior and known ways to get to what you want.
Conversely, if these habitats are sufficiently different, then responses to acute stress should be attuned to the local environment and not be the same.
Libraries and librarians must constantly be attuned to patrons' behavior; we need to consider how we can use our unique qualities and collections to everyone's advantage.
So if there have been fears passed down through generations in that baby's family, then the baby will already be attuned to how fear has been built through the bloodline.
Content will always dominate quality journalism and journalism education. The distribution system will always be second. Yet, we must be attuned to the technology and embrace it as educators.
Although more research is needed to pin down the relationship between low IQ and suicide, the study suggests that mental health professionals should be attuned to their patients' IQ, Koenen says.
Taken together as elemental to the structure of reality, they reinforce the need to be attuned to patterns beyond our individual lives and to adjust our relations so that they are life-enhancing.
Rats and other animals need to be highly attuned to social signals from others so they can identify friends to cooperate with and enemies to avoid.
If software developers and testers, for example, took support calls from time to time, wouldn't they be more attuned to the need to address common issues in the software?
It has created a "Campus Loving Heart" website, has started big-brother and big-sister programs in staff dormitories, and is teaching managers to be more attuned to workers' emotional needs.
When we become attuned to the natural galactic time frequency we find ourselves in control of a vast source of spiritual energy that can be used to heal the planet.
They have greater need of a skilled workforce and a financial system that is attuned to where the best returns are likely to be made.
Only in extraordinary states of consciousness can one be aware of, or attuned to, the inner dreaming of the Earth.
You could be more sensitive to subtle shifts in energy today, which may be because you are attuned with your sixth sense.
You could be more sensitive to subtle shifts in energy today, which may be because you are attuned with your sixth sense.