That said, he wouldn't be averse to you showing up in an Uma Thurman "Pulp Fiction" wig, or even suggesting a private costume party for two.
Despite such humane actions, Thomas is not averse to hunting, but she believes that the practice needs to be well regulated, and that hunters need to be disciplined and expert.
Many Filipinos aren't averse to stopping suddenly in the street to look around or talk on their cellphone, and they expect to be politely alerted when they are in somebody's way.
That may be a tough sell in a Congress averse to new spending and stricter regulation.
Some British soldiers assumed that service in Northern Ireland made them smarter at fighting insurgencies than the galumphing Americans, who were also thought to be casualty-averse.
CONVIVIAL, and not averse to a drink, Nancy Wake could often be found cheering up a cocktail bar.
I want to avoid (as much as possible) the situation where I'm averse to making a change to my database schema because of the effort that would be required to sync up dependent applications.
A risk-averse manager is likely to rate the factors generally higher than a risk-taker, but the spread of values should be broadly comparable.
Tend to enable enterprises to reduce risk awareness, or even risk averse, risk-averse corporate culture can be formed, reducing the sensitivity and adaptability to risk.
However when the producer gets more risk or disappointment averse, or price volatility increases, speculator's reference point tends to be higher.
At the last part of this article, the equilibrium analysis method will be introduced to assess the risk-averse coefficient of investors in Chinese security market.
Since Taylor and I were both southerners and not averse to cooperating, I thought we might be able to make it work in Texas.
Third, such a trade would be a gamble, and NBA teams are generally risk-averse, as we saw at the last trade deadline. Most GMs prefer to stick with the status quo.
Yet, even knowing this, there used to be precious little we could do about it, because humans are notoriously averse to having their brains taken out and examined while in use.
Gatekeepers are very likely to be risk averse, both from the company's as well as from the personal point of view.
In the 1990s America used to be regarded as excessively averse to risks and casualties.
In general, women are known to be more risk-averse than men when it comes to financial decision making.
The rating agency said that as investors grow more risk averse, Italy -- currently rated Aa2, the second-highest rating -- may be unable to sell bonds without offering higher interest rates.
The rating agency said that as investors grow more risk averse, Italy -- currently rated Aa2, the second-highest rating -- may be unable to sell bonds without offering higher interest rates.