Is it hard to always be away from home? Especially when your wife isn't with you?
If you're going to be away from home for only a couple of days, stay on the same eating and sleeping schedule while you're away as you would at home.
He says he is making the same 3,000 yuan (about $440) a month that he made as a migrant, and doesn't have to be away from home for long stretches.
I don't have to travel very often, but when I do, I always hope for good restaurants or something like that to make it a bit easier to be away from home.
我不' t有很多旅行,但是当我做什么,我总是好餐馆或类似的东西,为了使它有点希望更容易被离开家。
Well, Tom, it sure sounds like you're busy with your job. I'm sure they pay you well but it's a shame you have to be away from home and your family so much.
嗯﹐汤姆﹐听起来你的工作确实很忙﹐我确信他们给你的薪水很高﹐但是可惜﹐ 你必须经常离家﹐远离你的家人。
Roughly the size of a soda can, sitting on a bookshelf, a relatively harmless gadget may be turning friends away from your home.
The Italian has done everything his senior coach has done, and he tends to be cautious when playing away from home.
Frightened, and lonesome for home, I wanted to run away and be gone from this strange place.
I did not believe there was really any good to be had in tearing me away from my home and throwing me into the huge, high-walled building.
Ng before voicemail — or even answering machines — and back when phones could be carried in your pocket, there was no telling who called while you were away from home.
Your kit should be waterproof as well, particularly if you will travel with it away from home; however, sealing your supplies inside of zipper baggies is usually all you need to do the job.
While many gifts are modest — oranges, chocolate or liquor — failure to bring them home could be a source of shame, and especially painful for parents who work away from home most of the year.
If the symptoms fade or go away when a person is away from the home and return when the person returns, an effort should be made to identify indoor air sources that may be possible causes.
After having gone abroad in high school, I found the transition to college to be a breeze — moving 560 miles from home didn't seem particularly daunting after having lived thousands of miles away.
Their home away from home - Among those polled who are planning a summer vacation, nearly two-thirds (63 percent) will be staying at a hotel or other kind of rental property, like a condo or resort.
Married men and women are also thought to be taking the opportunity to register from home, away from the prying eyes of colleagues in the office.
"You can take it with you," Facebook says. "we are your passport to the past, your home away from home, the country where you will always be welcome."
Many owners of these computers have desktop machines back at the office and want to be connected to their home base even when away from home or en route.
Second, you can deduct away from home travel expenses—including meals and incidentals. Deduction limits can be eased if your employer reimburses your travel expenses.
In conclusion, we may be able to enjoy a harmonious dormitory relationship by means of communication, and in this case the dormitory may become our second sweet home away from home.
At first they were sorry to be away from Israel, but soon they began to like their new home.
If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylums would be.
But on the other hand, if I want to stay in this city, it means I have to be far away from home.
My brother was away. He wouldn't be home from his new job for an hour.
I'd never been away from home, and I didn't know what it would be like.
The primary intention for the interior design was to create a home away from home, without taking it too seriously and feel comfortable to be yourself and just relax.
Interpretation: far away from home, living environment changes, changes in the work, the pressure will be greater, prone to depression, anxiety.
Interpretation: far away from home, living environment changes, changes in the work, the pressure will be greater, prone to depression, anxiety.