Allow all parts of the etheric body to be bathed in the vibrations of the light earth dream.
This dreamtime allows all upon the land or within the oceans to be bathed in a new dream of ascension.
I think we should lead spring into our classroom, so that everyone here may be bathed in the sunshine.
Who doesn't want to be bathed in the sun's rays and be relieved from the harsh incandescence of artificial light?
Think, every morning, on the mother say the words of blessing, to this day, you will all be bathed in good mood;
Without a magnetic field, the planets would be bathed in harmful radiation, and their atmospheres would be eroded away by particles streaming from their stars.
It might be bathed in glorious sunshine throughout the year - but new research has revealed the Floridian city of st Petersburg is the saddest place to live in the us.
SITUATED barely 100 miles (160km) south of the Tropic of Capricorn, you might expect Johannesburg, South Africa's commercial capital, to be bathed in tropical heat all the year round.
If confirmed, the planets around KOI 500 will be in some of the smallest orbits around their star yet found, and the innermost would be bathed in heat from even a relatively cool star.
如果得到证实,KOI 500周围的行星是已发现的行星轨道中最小的,最内层的行星中即使相对凉爽的也很热。
They are only visible when they are bathed in ultra-violet light and subjecting them to such constant bombardment would be not only impractical but harmful.
From the back door of the farmhouse to the creeping edge of the forest, our yard was bathed in light, as if a borderland to cross carefully, in fear of be-ing exposed.
Againye tried to be a good nurse, attentive but not cloying, fetching me a stool to use while I bathed from a bucket and petting my head as I napped, saying, “Pain you well well” in soothing pidgin.
When the container holding this liquid is bathed in hot water, the refrigerant separates from the salty solution and is recovered to be used again.
Cells growing in the scaffold between the channels are bathed in chemicals from the channels, and the effect of the chemicals can be evaluated based on various measures of cell function.
Could it be possible that in two or three decades we will look back and wonder why we ever thought we had a problem when we are bathed in such beneficent radiant energy?
Don't be stingy with their love, open their mind, give more, you will find that you have been bathed in the love river.
And if legend is to be believed, Queen Cleopatra was also a fan - she is said to have bathed in asses milk to maintain her beauty.
Mother stood on the ridge, bathed in spring sunshine, warm to weave a sweater, and grandmother were immersed in the pick of life is shepherd's purse, to be filled basket relented.
Women should be physical and mental training like moonlight, mercy mild, broad-minded, rekindled wisdom shine, with the person who bathed in the cool moonlight in general.
I hope you unlimited; occasionally a bad mood, bathed in sunshine after the rain, the mood will be from Warrington.
Remedios the Beauty thought that he was suffering from the fear that the tiles would break and she bathed herself more quickly than usual so that the man would not be in danger.
With her face bathed in tears and her voice choking with sobs, she said to me, "Above all, remember our misfortune and let the signs of your magic be manifested in our village."
With her face bathed in tears and her voice choking with sobs, she said to me, "Above all, remember our misfortune and let the signs of your magic be manifested in our village."