If you gradually move your tongue forward towards the th-sound, stopping halfway, your tongue will be behind your teeth, and the pitch will get higher.
假如你渐渐将舌头前移向发th 声所在的位置,然后半路停下,你的舌头会停在你的牙后,同时音调会升高。
The worst may be behind them now, but the shocking losses of the past few years have reshaped nearly every facet of their lives—how they live, work, and spend—even the way they think about the future.
From our vantage point, a second galaxy happens to be behind the first galaxy.
In fact, he is pointing at a cardinal direction that happens to be behind his back.
A decline in smoking, one of the top risk factors for the disease, may be behind the drop in cases.
White House pressure on ABC is thought to be behind a grovelling apology later issued by the broadcaster.
Police officials have not yet commented on who may be behind the threats or why the youths had been targeted.
If they are unable to put up money for bail, they may be behind bars for several weeks until a court appearance.
But scientists are quick to point out that non-biological chemical reactions could also be behind the observations.
Enhanced heating of the stratosphere could be behind the heightened effects felt by Europe of changes in solar activity.
But we contacted linguists and speech pathologists to glean more about the mechanisms that might be behind the mix-up.
With his hard line, Mr Sarkozy seems to be behind a ban, although he will now await the outcome of the parliamentary mission.
But in a competitive market, even a differential of two or three to one would be enough to guarantee that you'd always be behind.
The galaxy in question would really be behind you, but you're looking through one face of the dodecahedron as if it were a window.
For instance, other stressors, such as pesticides and a lack of good nutrition, may be behind the bees' lack of resistance, she said.
The energy seems to be behind the terms and concepts of "information architecture," "interaction design," and "usability engineering."
The energy seems to be behind the terms and concepts of "information architecture, " "interaction design, " and "usability engineering."
Meanwhile, groups based in Orakzai-Khyber region are believed to be behind the recent spate of bombings in Peshawar and other cities of central NWFP.
After 14 quarters in which the profits of companies in the S&P 500 have grown at a double-digit rate, their best quarters may now be behind them.
Here the computational principle is reinforcement learning and active exploration, which may also be behind learning motor movements in an infant.
A similar mechanism may be behind fish oil’s cardiovascular benefits, since inflammation is associated with increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
But if you gradually move your tongue forward towards the th-sound, stopping halfway, your tongue will be behind your teeth, and the pitch will get higher.
When the leader of a correctional institute is murdered, his brother Kevin Francke (Scott Plank) starts an investigation into the drug ring that could be behind it.
And if local corruption was suspected to be behind the collapse of so many shoddy school buildings, how much worse it would be without those good men at the top.
And when she goes from thechair to the bed and thou shalt be behind her back, then let it be thy part totake care that she sees thee not as thou goest through the door.
Created last year and known as the Cyber Defense Command, this unit is believed to be behind most of the hacking and infiltration of opposition Web sites and E-mail accounts.
Created last year and known as the Cyber Defense Command, this unit is believed to be behind most of the hacking and infiltration of opposition Web sites and E-mail accounts.