Consequently, the survival rate of lobster larvae must be going up, and the lobster population in Foerkland's coastal waters is bound to increase.
Although many sources of gas are already bound up in long-term contracts, optimists think Britain might be able to get more of it fairly easily.
That they will not be so bound—neither is willing to give up so much sovereignty to an international legal process—makes seeking its extension moot.
Administered objects are not dependent on JNDI, but it is implicit that they can be bound to and looked up in a JNDI namespace.
No matter how spic and span you keep your floors at home, there are still bound to be tiny particles down there that can get into your laptop's gears and mess things up.
Sooner or later, he was bound to be tripped up on an issue of conscience.
The JNDI name must later be bound to JNDI names used by EJB and Web modules to look up the connection factory.
稍后必须将这里的JNDI名绑定到EJB和Web模块所使用的 JNDI名,以查找连接工厂。
33the commander came up and arrested him and ordered him to be bound with two chains.
We also set up some initial VarBinds that are required by the SNMP v2c standard to be the first variables bound to the PDU.
Howerer, Feldman says, "While it gives liars a leg up on deceiving us, it does not mean we are bound to be always fooled --assuming, of course, that we don't want to be fooled."
Below, we rounded up relevant skills for a variety of careers, so there's bound to be something worth enrolling in.
Although be in today, the woman of a few tribe returns africa in a branch and tress of clay be classified, in order to showland fertile and be closely bound up of big ground mother.
If the outcome is bound to be sad, then I would rather choose to give up.
If the child's mind stretch is the key to the success or failure of the education, soul stretch child is bound to be happy and easy to fly, depressive heart is pain and slowly climb up!
For all these reasons, many of which are bound up with things undoubtedly good, marriage has become difficult, and if it is not to be a barrier to happiness it must be conceive in a somewhat new way.
But be prepared for a complicated conversation that is bound to stir up matters more than settle them.
Everyone is bound to experience a lot of things when growing up, most of which will be forgotten while some will remain in our mind forever.
Although be in today, the woman of a few tribe returns Africa in a branch and tress of clay be classified, in order to show land fertile and be closely bound up of big ground mother.
In modern society, map is closely bound up with our daily life and is the indispensable part that can be used to master the geographical condition.
However abundant certain natural resources may be, they cannot reproduce themselves and are bound to be used up ultimately.
The conversation was of early struggles, walking to work and saving up in clothing clubs, when my elder sister said, "Of course, we were bound to be poor because we were such a big family."
谈的话题是我们家早年的艰辛,走着去上班,在“新衣会”里存钱准备买衣裳。 这时我姐姐说:“当然,我们的生活没法子不艰难,因为我们家孩子太多了。
The conversation was of early struggles, walking to work and saving up in clothing clubs, when my elder sister said, "Of course, we were bound to be poor because we were such a big family."
谈的话题是我们家早年的艰辛,走着去上班,在“新衣会”里存钱准备买衣裳。 这时我姐姐说:“当然,我们的生活没法子不艰难,因为我们家孩子太多了。