What Descartes has done is find at least one thing that he can be certain of.
How long do we have to run an experiment before we can be certain of the results?
Remember that even if you don't know everything, you can still be certain of what you expect.
I wanted to be certain of my own wisdom by copying Solomon, who had knowledge of hyssop and of tree.
To be certain of a place, we started attending the local Anglican church when Robert was about two.
And remember you don't need a certain number of friends just a number of friends you can be certain of.
And remember, you don't need a certain number of friends, just a number of friends you can be certain of.
I would add we can be certain of God's grace while being graciously uncertain of the future details of our lives.
There are times when new considerations pop in and I want to be certain of the decision before committing myself.
He cannot be certain of winning a majority in his assembly, though he can probably deploy his popular appeal to scrape one together.
If your answer is yes, then you are wrong again. All we can be certain of is that the relative speed between the two trains changed.
BACK in the 1980s, marketers could be certain of reaching 90% of American households with an advertisement on prime-time network television.
They need to be certain of several hours of clear air as it will take two hours for an initial reconnaissance team to reach the area where the missing men are.
Because other forms of respiratory infection including PCP are common among HIV-infected people, doctors must be certain of diagnosis before administering antibiotics.
With a little bit of family magic and a lot of attention, Luke was certain these would be the most beautiful tomatoes he had ever seen once August arrived.
These results provide support for researchers' prediction that naltrexone will turn out to be toxic to certain types of bacteria.
The developing brain, the report says, is particularly vulnerable to the toxic effects of certain chemicals these products may contain, and the damage they cause can be permanent.
While mineral deficiencies can limit the growth of plants, an overabundance of certain minerals can be toxic and can also limit growth.
Opacity of the eye lens can be induced by deficiency of certain vitamins.
Such claims should be regarded with a certain amount of scepticism.
There may be certain times of day when smokers crave their cigarette.
They can just be symptoms of a sleep disorder that can result from an unpleasant experience, stress, or certain drugs.
Scientists say both studies demonstrate that certain parts of the ecosystem respond rapidly to reductions in atmospheric pollution, but that these findings should not be used as a license to pollute.
Most of the people focused on Palestinian identity, which the Israeli-palestinian conflict may be covered, or in certain cases, there is.
If you are a teenager living in certain parts of the province, you could be eligible for this program.
Local economies, domestic water supplies, and certain types of recreation all would be severely impacted by destruction of these dams.
Local economies, domestic water supplies, and certain types of recreation all would be severely impacted by destruction of these dams.