I hope someday you won't be confused about starting a relationship.
You may be confused about the person you love and the one you feel you should be with.
If they know it is, they might be confused about how to do it or they might wonder why they should.
The next step is never be confused about your work and work place, accept it as your second home.
If a page has too many elements, the viewer will be confused about where to look or misinterpret the priority of each element.
This is a very simple trick. The next time you go to the petrol bunk, don't be confused about which side of the car has the fuel lid.
This is a very simple trick. The next time you go to the petrol bunk, don't be confused about which side of the car has the fuel lid.
If you use this option, be sure to specify the whole path of the file after f so that IDS will not be confused about the file location.
如果使用该选项,请确保在f后指定文件的整个路径,从而 IDS不会将文件位置弄错。
It is only natural, then, to be confused about what happened during your first meeting, or at any subsequent meeting, with your doctor.
When they write of their childhoods, it could be a description of a gifted child's life - confused about social cues, self-conscious and out of kilter with the interests and language of their peers.
Yes, the science has weird ideas and it can be confusing. But one of the most amazing things about quantum mechanics is that you can use it correctly and productively even if you're confused by it.
The content should be consistent so users aren't distracted or confused about the message.
Some of it may be the changes your body's going through: All those hormones you hear so much about can cause mood swings and confused emotions.
Sometimes you need to be confused, or uncertain about yourself, to reach your fullest potential.
I am a bit confused about all the hype around Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) — and you seem to be caught up in it.
I'm confused about whether I should be giving my children full-fat, semi-skimmed or fully skimmed milk.
I think it's important to be clear about this distinction, otherwise users might end up confused by the behavior of parsers that do recognize ignorable whitespace.
Or thinking about them in materialistic terms might be greatly confused or mistaken.
Adding to the confusion about who owes what to the IRS are numbers from cash flow statements (not to be confused with profit-and-loss statements) that show taxes companies paid in a given year.
Otherwise, students will easily feel confused about the two and be at a loss as to which one to follow.
Readers of the Health Blog might be understandably confused about the findings.
But be careful not to act inconsistently toward your friends and make them feel confused about your feelings for them.
The part I am confused about is why a good company with a good reputation like NOKIA would even be so obvious about trying to make easy money from consumers.
If you are confused about the flow of execution, this kind of output can be helpful.
Yet a great problem comes meanwhile, things only do turn out to be dream when u manage to predict ur futures, about u and about her or him. u feel so confused that u're likely to be down in the dumps.
If you are still reading this, you might be feeling confused about where SPROCs fit into this post.
If you are still reading this, you might be feeling confused about where SPROCs fit into this post.