ELIZABETH CALEEBER: He's going to be dependant on you know me for all his life.
But, at the same time, men like being providers and need a woman to be dependant on them to an extent, to remind them that they are needed.
So, on the linguistical level it's clear that process sentences cannot be made dependant on a surface grammatical subject.
Among other non-earning persons in question 20, students are coded 1, domestic work (2), dependant (3), pensioners (4), those giving house on rent (5) and beggars will be categorised 6.
Complete the on-screen instructions for the driver type in the dialog box. The fields required to be completed are dependant on data source type, but can be.
System frequency of substation is dependant on active load of power grid. when system frequency exceeds allowable limits load shall be regulated immediately for stabilization of system frequency.
These locators continued to be deployed when radar sets were introduced, in the hope of convincing the Germans that the us searchlight battalions were still dependant on acoustic location.
The ease of which it can be removed is dependant on which of the pleural surfaces becomes malignant: the parietal pleura or the visceral pleura.
They can be reagents, they can be consumables, they can be pretty much anything whose price is dependant on market activities.
Or it might be nearer the truth to say that they are least dependant on thrills for their happiness.
Despite dramatic advancements in technology, this relationship will still be a human endeavor, dependant on goodwill, Shared interests and honest dialogue.
You will become dependant on them and won't be able to sleep or wake up without them.
It is seen then, that it is Paramount that electron leakage must be curtailed when the operation of the system is dependant on voltage, such as the generator utilized herein.
The figure will be made up of prize money dependant on league position and each club's share of television rights money.
All my children are dependant on me and I need to be cured from this disease but would prefer the natural way.
If entry clearance is approved your spouse or unmarried partner and dependant children will be granted leave to enter on the same conditions of stay as yourself.
If entry clearance is approved your spouse or unmarried partner and dependant children will be granted leave to enter on the same conditions of stay as yourself.