And in the unlikely case that you too should blunder in the future, you'll be deserving of the same mercy.
So here's a proposal: Maybe we can formulate a new kind of failing-states policy, one to help the deserving states, those that can be helped, and minimize the harm from the others.
One can support umpteen causes, most of which are worthy and deserving, whereas some can be rather frivolous and obscure.
When he takes office he will be considered a "usurper" not deserving of my respect for anything of which he affixes his name.
Strangely, the yen may be the more deserving of that accolade.
I cannot argue with those who find these men and women -- some known, some obscure to all but those they help -- to be far more deserving of this honor than I.
I had one week in which to solve the problem of how to be a single mom and a full-time star employee, deserving of quick promotion and salary increase.
This wasn't where I belonged as a cartoonist, and if by some miracle I were able to sell one of my 50 cartoons, I would be taking a slot away from someone more deserving.
Strangely, the yen may be the more deserving of that accolade .
She is a part of my creation and must be afforded the love and dignity that she is deserving of.
Deflecting compliments to others: We often respond to the embarrassment of being singled out for praise by deflecting it to others. Others may be deserving, but so are you.
称赞和你的弱项无关,它是在说你的长项。 要改变弱点以后有的是时间;暂时目前,享受一下人们对你不需要改正地方的认可吧。
I shall be a believer of all that is good in man and all that is deserving in animals.
You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere.
Precisely what the natures of the emerging values and virtues are or need be is a topic deserving of a major inquiry of its own.
CONCLUSION: the drug instruction database suits clinic actuality and it helps to improve the quality of drug treatment and level of rational use of drugs, thus deserving to be generalized.
In view of these above-mentioned circumstances, there seemed to be three lines of action deserving of earnest study.
As to the port authority of Shanghai, it is the subject deserving to be studied forever to optimize the service mode and improve the efficiency of port service.
He's very highly thought of in the area and in my opinion would be thoroughly deserving of this honour.
The bearer of this letter is Mr. Li whom I personally know to be a most deserving person for your position.
Abstract:With the process of urbanization, the aesthetization of economic activities as a new subject has deep influences on sociallives of contemporary China, deserving to be researched.
Art is supposed to prevail in small circles and to be connected with personal life of every individual for improving his artistic accomplishment. It's not deserving to feel burdensome with it.
Art is supposed to prevail in small circles and to be connected with personal life of every individual for improving his artistic accomplishment. It's not deserving to feel burdensome with it.