For devotees of Hollywood Westerns, however, the results might be disappointing.
Today, I'm going to show you two extreme sides of the city. It can be fabulous. It can also be disappointing.
If a person is interested in the whole life of love as a storm of emotional impulse, it will be disappointing.
That would be disappointing with so much ground to make up - though unemployment would be falling, albeit slowly.
Apart from the transatlantic joint ventures, attempts at linking up between continents have tended to be disappointing.
Or it can be disappointing if you're someone who wants a well developed web presence but haven't linked profile pages up well.
Well, if you put it that way, it's going to be disappointing – because your readers will say, ‘Yes I had thought of that before’!
The price of maize (corn) headed towards $6 a bushel, as estimates suggested that this year’s harvest in America will be disappointing.
In what may be disappointing news to some, the Fed has not changed its language to signal a move toward an official inflation or price-level target.
Many of those turkeys will be dry, and most, truth be told, would be disappointing without a bolster of stuffing and cranberries and creamy gravy.
It would be disappointing if the FTC verged from that point of view and the pressure would be on them to explain why they weren't judging in the same way.
The main reason for this change was not only that his family life environment had changed, but that his life ideal had turned out to be disappointing.
We understand that this news must be disappointing to receive and, for that reason, we will not send a duplicate notification of this decision by mail.
Not all the glyphs are cut and dry as not useful for a tank, but some of them may seem like a good idea at first while the application may be disappointing.
We realise that this will be disappointing and we would like to take the opportunity of wishing you success in your search for a career that matches your skills and strengths.
Slower than expected sales, therefore, will be disappointing not only for a battered auto industry dying for a break — but also for the strapped American consumers they're counting on.
Although this can be frustrating and disappointing, it turns out that this can actually be good for you.
INDONESIAN cinephiles may be in for a disappointing year. Since February imports of Hollywood films have been on hold, and cinemas are running short of new ones to screen.
"The main prize has gone and to be playing in the Europa League is disappointing but we have to accept that, move on and try to win that competition," he said.
It is rarely a 'quick fix' solution to a problem and can sometimes be a frustrating and disappointing experience - falling short of initial hopes and expectations. But it does not have to be this way.
This may be the most disappointing part of the iPad 2 announcement; it is the identical screen from the iPad 1.
If Zuma is true to his word, by 2014 - certainly by 2018 - South Africa could be a major player on a continent that, for all of its soccer talent, was a disappointing pushover in this World Cup.
如果祖玛将践行他的诺言,那么到2014年- - -或者2018年- - -南非将成为一个强队,如今尽管在非洲有很多足球人才,他们留给世界杯的却只是令人失望的失败。
If the cake is disappointing, the decreased value will be tracked so that next time our expectations will be lower.
Neither is an attractive prospect, but Mr Brown's disappointing premiership seems to be heading towards one of those two sad ends.
If this is disappointing, you will be happy about not having revealed too many details of your personal life.
Yet even for Ms Bartz the results of the negotiations must be somewhat disappointing.
This is a disappointing and unexpected setback in the search for a safe and effective microbicide that can be used by women to protect themselves against HIV infection.
The starting-point in 2009 for both debt and the deficit turned out to be worse than realised; tax revenues have proved disappointing as austerity measures have undermined growth.
The Lovely Bones might not be so disappointing were it made by a director of middling talents.
The Lovely Bones might not be so disappointing were it made by a director of middling talents.