These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.
You walk this path as others walk, nor do you seem to be distinct from them, although you are indeed.
The civil liability in Commercial Instrument law shall be distinct from bill liability in normal law.
This is a mistake because, for better or worse, your business process should be distinct from your competitors'.
The space division multiple access (SDMA) is introduced, and users can be distinct from each other through their special location.
It will be distinct from Russia's existing military reserves because the part-time personnel will be paid a monthly sum and train regularly.
In view of the peculiar characteristics of Chinese soft news, the C-E translation of soft news should be distinct from the translation of other genres.
"It proved to be distinct from every known wild species of yeast, but was 99.5 percent identical to the non-ale yeast portion of the lager genome," said Hittinger.
He sought a word that would be distinct from sympathy, which can be felt for the general plight of another with no sharing whatever of what that other person is feeling.
Suggested answer:他当时在寻找一个与同情有所区别的词;同情是针对他人的一般困境而发的,无须分担他人的任何感受。
It is intended that documents that specify particular messages, such as example interaction scenarios, be distinct from the documents that specify schemas for standardized message types.
This may be in the form of specific set values (for example, all 9's or 'Do Not Use') or blank values (where a blank represents a keystroke distinct from a null value).
He means that Kosovo needs to have its own distinct national and cultural identity, and not to be swamped-as is happening now-by imports and influence from Albania.
In Afghanistan, as distinct from Iraq, there should be no quarrel about the lawfulness of the mission.
But a full DSL approach could be difficult to develop in a large group with several business units that are distinct from each other.
I've seen many so-called specifications that were so mealymouthed that several hundred distinct programs could be generated from the spec, and all of these programs would be conforming.
But really, to be honest, they are regions of space with different local conditions. It's not like they're metaphysically distinct from each other.
A theme can be thought of as a related set of requirements, perhaps similar to an epic, but clearly distinct from line items.
Thus learning effects are theoretically distinct from scale effects, even if in practice they my be hard to differentiate due to e.g. uncertainty and causal ambiguity.
Descartes insisted - as part of his proof of the 'cogito' - that the mind must be utterly distinct from corporeal things.
And it could be taken as a striking illustration of how the social part of your brain is distinct from other parts of your brain.
A file can be treated as a single large block of data or, alternatively, as a collection of many distinct records delimited from one another by separators.
There could be genetic or social differences among the Sami, who are distinct from their Finnish and Swedish neighbors, Helle said.
Especially in voluntary, private law systems, it would be clear that the judges — who gave expert guidance on what the law says on a matter — are distinct from the people enforcing the law.
They are quite distinct from each other, and you should be able to manage with that final exam without undue difficulty.
This dismal rate of job creation raises the distinct possibility that America’s recovery from the latest recession may also be jobless.
This description should be understandable by anyone within the business. (and, importantly, it is distinct from a description of how the business solves its problems.)
This description should be understandable by anyone within the business. (and, importantly, it is distinct from a description of how the business solves its problems.)