The concepts of physics can not be divorced from its laws.
In the dream you can start any wings to fly, but you can not be divorced from reality.
Aunt Yu's hairstyle is just killing me! Oh, god! Imagination is not to be divorced from the facts!
Writing a summary at home without investigations is to BE divorced from practice and act subjectively.
Currency Crisis theory models of three generations are not able to be divorced from the original thought pattern.
She said: "I always teach his son to understand the world, but it can not be divorced from his Malawian culture."
However, discourses should never be divorced from social practice and can not be isolated from the social context.
Language teaching and cultural teaching should happen at the same time, otherwise culture will be divorced from language.
Pluto operates with such tremendous power that it may be divorced from its "death and regeneration" aspect and be experienced purely as power.
Conclusion: patients with PTSD can't be divorced from the distressing recollections. PTSD seriously affects the patients 'psychosomatic health.
Waving the cake around, he said to his astonished wife, "if the coffee isn't ready by the time I eat all this cake, you'll be divorced from me."
Demand structure of professional social workers research is to determine the future needs of social workers. Analysis can not be divorced from the reality.
The reason this is unclear is the value of Weibo can't be divorced from the value of Sina (currently near $5 billion) — long-term, Weibo will the value of Sina,.
If educational practitioners blindly overstate rational function of educational theory, it will be divorced from educational practice and a hypothetical question.
No matter how many ambiguities, but one always changing, can not be divorced from the artistic image quality requirements, all this can only be multi-artistic image of just one justice.
The myths that have grown up around the rites may continue as part of the group's oral tradition and may even come to be acted out under conditions divorced from these rites.
While it's well established that children from divorced homes are more likely to get divorced themselves, parents may not be immune to their children's divorces, either.
Apparently, while simply "empowering teams" doesn't seem to be the solution, neither does a focus on pure process, divorced from the people-driven "continuous learning" cycle.
A husband and wife may be divorced and go away from or out of the reach of each other. But the different parts of our country cannot do this.
If you're a Caucasian woman and you're separated from your spouse, there's a 98 per cent chance that you'll be divorced within six years of that separation.
Man and algae sealed in the capsule divorced themselves from the wide net woven by the rest of life. They would be a separate, closed system.
But if she's divorced from the second husband she can't go back and be joined again to the first husband.
And the new romance would be her third relationship since her split from cheating footballer, Ashley Cole, who she divorced in 2010.
I don't want to be a scholar totally divorced from the real needs of the society.
I don't want to be a scholar totally divorced from the real needs of the society.