American lives -regardless of Numbers -must be placed in terms of value and worth on equal footing with those of all humans regardless of colour, ethnicity, nationality, or creed.
American lives - regardless of Numbers - must be placed in terms of value and worth on equal footing with those of all humans regardless of colour, ethnicity, nationality, or creed.
Be sure that you select the Equal Verification Point on the second call and remove the value (because the reference value passed in for the request should be spelled correctly).
Specifies the top position, in pixels. This value is relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
Prize details and availability are subject to change, in which case a prize of equal value may be substituted at Sponsor's sole discretion.
Prize details and availability are subject to change, in which case a prize of equal value may be substituted at Sponsor's sole discretion.