She was determined that she would be equal to any test the corporation put to them.
Economics is precise about the tax that should, in principle, be levied to deal with negative externalities: the tax on a liter of fuel should be equal to the harm caused by using a liter of fuel.
You have the chemical potentials that have to be equal to each other.
Once we run that command Scripting Guys will be gone and $a will be equal to this
再次,我们运行这个命令,Scripting Guys将会消失,$a将会等于以下内容
So the bond order is going to be equal to 1/2, and then it will be 2 minus 2.
The partition_size variable must be equal to a power of 2 (for example: 1, 2, 4, 8).
And in the case of the 3 s orbital, that's going to be equal to 11. 5 times a nought.
So for an ideal gas then, dH/dp under 0 constant temperature, that has to be equal to zero.
In a normal market, the vacancy rate should be equal to the number of households relocating.
So this is an example of the Gibbs phase rule, 1 specific where C happens to be equal to one.
The number of rows entered for each word will be equal to the number of synonyms for that word.
The capacity of the volume will be equal to the combined capacity of the constituent partitions.
So we're talking about a poem being able to sustain itself in the world to be equal to the world.
Frequently, the read will be unsuccessful or both values will be equal to 0, 0, which is unusable data.
This tests ASCII equivalence, so 1 will not be equal to 1.0, even though they have the same numeric value.
The problems that led us into this crisis are deep and widespread, and our response must be equal to the task.
Our ionization energy is going to be equal to the incident energy coming in, minus the kinetic energy of the electron.
At equilibrium, I know that the partial pressure of a on that side here has to be equal to the pressure of a here.
So our minimum that we're going to see is that the smallest we can have for a z effective 1 is going to be equal to 1.
And when we talk about angular nodes, the number of angular nodes we have in an orbital is going to be equal to l.
You already know that EMPNO will be equal to the value '000010' because that is what the WHERE clause tells DB2 to do.
您已经知道了empno将等于值“000010”,因为那就是where子句要DB 2做的事。
(it's 1 through 131072 for AIX V5.3.) The partition_size variable must be equal to a power of 2 (for example: 1, 2, 4, 8).
(在AIXV5.3上是从1到131072). partition_size变量必须是2的幂(例如,1、2、4、8)。
The constraint is that the sum of all the mole factions has to be equal to one That's what it is, to be a mole fraction.
As with the older VG types, the size is specified in units of megabytes and the size variable must be equal to a power of 2.
The subject should be equal to or brighter than the background, otherwise the image will not be balanced. (Ignacio Palacios/LPI)
And so this number can be larger than zero — - it can be positive — 0 it can be equal to zero, 0 it can also be smaller than zero.
The compiler simply assumes that the value of num_proc2 will be equal to 1 every time, and generates the code for that branch by default.
The compiler simply assumes that the value of num_proc2 will be equal to 1 every time, and generates the code for that branch by default.