The pace of growth of China's exports slowed down in May suggesting that demand in its key markets may be faltering.
Europe is showing signs of faltering, while Japan may be at risk of sliding back into recession.
Principals whose schools are still faltering after two years will be fired. Schools still failing after four years will be closed.
But one risk is that with economic growth and corporate profits faltering, Banks may be reluctant to increase their lending for fear of future bad loans.
That would not just be a matter of social justice; it could also slow Italy’s already-faltering growth.
That is the main reason why a fast rate of catch-up by the emerging markets would be better for the West than a faltering one.
There may be much faltering, stumbling, and temporary defeat; difficulties and temptations manifold to be battled with and.
America's faltering steps towards new reactors look sure to be set back, not least because new concerns will mean greater costs.
That would not just be a matter of social justice; it could also slow Italy's already-faltering growth.
His own father favors paperbacks, arguing they can be more easily Shared, while his mother goes for thee-reader, which she says is easier on faltering eyesight as people get older.
His own father favors paperbacks, arguing they can be more easily Shared, while his mother goes for thee-reader, which she says is easier on faltering eyesight as people get older.