One of the major points is that these pieces are not for sale and are not going to be for sale.
These would give importing countries confidence that supplies will always be for sale when prices spike, calming panic buying and reducing pressure to retreat into self-sufficiency.
It will be put up for sale under the terms already communicated to you, which, to recapitulate, call for a very minimum of publicity.
Once driverless cars are actually available for sale, the early adopters will be the people who can afford to buy them.
Others, however, just saw a bigger stack of apartments for sale which no one will be very keen to buy.
A widget could be pretty much anything - a book for sale, a recipe, a blog entry, or a press release.
And even when those problems are solved, the device will still have to undergo extensive clinical trials before it can be licensed for sale.
For example, in designing an e-commerce site, one of your tasks would be to allow users to browse through the products for sale.
One reason for this is that in some poorer neighbourhoods there may be little fresh food on sale.
In fact, the whole offer for sale could be seen as a cynical, if necessary, charade.
Like many exhibitions, all the exhibits will be available for sale but unlike most, they will be eaten on the final day of the exhibition.
But everything else seems to be on the table, including building cars in China for sale in the U.S..
Even if it is not listed for sale at a local wine shop, you might be able to have it delivered from a faraway store.
Olympic ticket scalpers move in-Advertisements for the sale of Olympic tickets can be easily found online, but at a price.
Each personalized stamp will be available for sale within 48 hours after athletes win the gold medal.
The agreement, which is signed by the publisher, applies whether the translation will be distributed free of charge or for sale.
The new product will be on sale starting Wednesday for 3.95 US dollars to 5.95 US dollars according to the quantity purchased.
The shirt may be on sale, but you’ll pay much more for cleaning costs, not to mention how long it will sit on the floor of the closet before you take a trip to the cleaners.
别看你现在打特价,到时候伺候你还不知道要费我多少银子呢。 再说了,这么名贵的衣服只适合压箱底,送进洗衣店前我肯定舍不得穿。
If you are considering creating a nice flower garden area, shopping for plants even on sale, can be expensive.
Cultural relics consigned for sale shall, before being auctioned, be assessed and permitted according to law by the cultural administrative department where the auctioneer resides.
TAP, the airline, ana, the airport management company, and part of RTP, the public TV network, will all be up for sale.
Residents can still use the traditional 100-watt and frosted incandescent bulbs, but they are no longer allowed to be manufactured or put up for sale.
For one, we need to be able to distinguish between houses that are for sale, sold and for rent.
These are actual Numbers from houses for sale in my neighborhood, and I will be trying to find the value for my own house.
These are actual Numbers from houses for sale in my neighborhood, and I will be trying to find the value for my own house.