They could also be found wanting in many areas as they cannot keep pace with their peers at home.
But it was not until it was to come up against RAF fighters in 1940 that the Bf 110c was to receive its first real trial in combat and to be found wanting.
There are always evil, oppressive forces at work on any society but they'll be found wanting in guile if they come at us goose-stepping and Shouting "Sieg Heil!" for a second time.
Neither should it be. Bankers and investors need to suffer precisely because the methods of modern finance have been found wanting.
And some people worry that they'll never be able to let go enough to love anybody: "the reason is usually buried in their childhood, in some fear of being found wanting, or in parental disapproval."
More often, the data have to be collected, reviewed, analysed statistically, found wanting, collected again and re-analysed.
Clearly the current framework has been tested and found wanting, but it will be some time before we reach consensus on how to adapt it.
So I think a lot of men found themselves wanting to lose control, wanting to be the one who was controlled.
Hell, I didn't think this could be useful, but there have been many times when both my wife and I have found ourselves wanting to use Yahoo on the one computer that we have to share!
This tip can be found in a booklet, Passport to the Pub: the Tourists' Guide to Pub Etiquette, a customers' code of conduct for those wanting to sample a central part of British life and culture.
Glad to be proven wrong, I've found Le 5 Sens to be a welcome refuge from Chinese cuisine for anyone wanting to treat themselves to a bit of fois gras and some French wine.
Glad to be proven wrong, I've found Le 5 Sens to be a welcome refuge from Chinese cuisine for anyone wanting to treat themselves to a bit of fois gras and some French wine.