These include simple things like finding things to be grateful for each day, however small; trying out something new or different; and looking for the good in others.
There may be parts of us that perhaps aren’t as good as they should be anymore but the human body is so complex and so intricate that there is a ton of things that you can still be grateful for.
Chen said she was grateful for the opportunity the broadcast gave her because, for the first time, she realized that having good dress sense could be seen as having a strength or talent.
Take a moment to reflect on all the awesome abilities you have and to be grateful for all the good things in your life.
Somehow these folks never seem to lose sight of the good things God is doing. They have an inner ability to be grateful for all kinds of things that many of us overlook.
When you begin to question what you have to be grateful for, just start making a list - a literal list of all the good things in your life.
When you begin to question what you have to be grateful for, just start making a list - a literal list of all the good things in your life.