I can tell you from personal experience that you don't have to have sons or be Greek to have a dirty front door!
These vases are held to be the finest examples of Greek art.
By this time, all educated Roman men were expected to be able to speak Greek.
It's probably fair to say that the Romans were impressed be Greek art and culture and they began making copies of the Greek statues.
Proto-Indo-European is a reconstructed language, meaning, it is what linguists concluded a parent language of Sanskrit, Latin and Greek would have to be like.
The Greek debt crisis and the fragility of other European economies is sure to be the main talking point.
Berg, Sophia may be a Greek name, but that is no reason for you to study your neighbor in a Greek lesson.
Even before the shock news of the Greek referendum, this seemed to be causing problems in the markets.
Recapitalization of the banks should wait until then; only the holes created by restructuring the Greek debt would have to be filled immediately.
The ancient Romans kept eels as pets. And the Greek philosopher Aristotle made what is believed to be the first known study of sea life, including sharks and dolphins.
“At first I was the only one who said that the IMF had to be involved” in the Greek rescue she says.
This will be only a small dent, perhaps, to the confidence of Greek tour operators, who say arrivals are slightly up this year, albeit not as much as in destinations like Turkey and Cyprus.
If Athens were to sell that gold, the Greek state would theoretically be able to meet at least part of the debt payments due soon without any outside help.
Germany has made clear that if the eurozone is to continue, it will be on the German work ethic not the Greek one.
Some holders of Greek debt may even be able to write its value back up as a result of the deal.
Then every Greek bondholder, including hedge funds, would be forced to write down the value of their bonds and suffer losses.
One such volcano-induced landslide occurred thousands of years ago in the Greek islands, causing the Minoan civilization to be wiped from the map.
Greek companies with international bills would risk bankruptcy, as they would suddenly be without the cash to cover them; and the pressure on other wobbly countries would increase.
First of all, when it was translated in 1611, there were relatively few Hebrew and Greek manuscripts available and they tended to be recent and less accurate.
However, claims from the descendants of Greek victims continued to be made.
But it isn't obvious to many Germans, who have also suffered a recession, why their savings should be used to pay off Greek debts.
So while the EFSF scheme is designed to offer insurance to bondholders, the European leaders' insistence that the Greek writedown be voluntary will make euro-zone debt harder to insure.
Greek debt may not be large enough directly to threaten European Banks, but world banking is in a fragile state.
A more radical third option, a “haircut” on the value of Greek debt, would have a significant impact on Greek banks because losses would have to be recognised immediately.
It's a stressful job, living in a fish tank and waiting to be grilled. But a Greek university is making great progress in getting fish to relax and, according to researchers, taste better.
So here is a passage in which Aristotle clearly seems to be pointing to the possibility of a kind of universal monarchy under Greek rule at least as a possibility.
"It seems sensible for the Banks to be taking a bet like this on a Greek recovery", says Alex Tsirigotis, an analyst at Mediobanca.
IT TOOK some time, but Germany finally seems to be addressing how, rather than if, a Greek restructuring will occur.
IT TOOK some time, but Germany finally seems to be addressing how, rather than if, a Greek restructuring will occur.