If you have a rock-hard avocado, put it in a brown paper bag on the counter; it'll be good to go in 2 to 5 days.
It is hard to put a price on their intrinsic value, but the market appears to be trying.
If the unrest spreads to key producers like Iran or Saudi Arabia, it would be hard to overstate the strain that would put on world oil supplies and the economies of the oil-importing countries.
If we put the hard work in now, we'll be better equipped to face the future-whatever it looks like.
Skinner didn't stop her, instead turning to the franchisee to ask him how hard it would be to put on a tie.
When we dread something, we put it off — but instead, if we can learn to enjoy it, it won’t be as hard or dreadful.
He must have weighed a good 130 pounds, and he was strong enough to snap with one hand a branch so tough that a man would be hard put to break it with two.
It is likely to be hard to persuade mainstream investors to put money into something so new and with such uncertain returns.
When those who are grieving first go back to their normal activities, it might be hard to put their hearts into everyday things.
So if you can put together quite a few of the things that you enjoy, it makes really a lot easier to get through the hard times and makes you more likely to be successful when things are going well.
I'd be hard-put to write it even if I wanted to - as I type this, my computer's Chinese input program suggests 57 different characters with the pronunciation bi - that of the cow is not among them.
If you really have some trouble with DVD then Ok, put it in and if I'm not back start it anyhow and I'll try very hard to be here in the meantime, could you make out the card.
But it is going to be tough. A lot of hard work is needed but we are all prepared to put the shift in.
However, recent data suggests it may be too soon to put China hard landing fears in the rear view mirror.
But if there be any truth in Josephus's assertion, that John was put to death at Machaerus, it is hard to understand why he was buried so far from the Herodian fortress.
It can be hard for a person to put aside many personal beliefs and just put up the facts, but many times, that can be a good way to write a good review.
It can be hard for a person to put aside many personal beliefs and just put up the facts, but many times, that can be a good way to write a good review.