Ovarian cysts can be identified with a pelvic exam or ultrasound.
He did not want to be identified with a negotiating program that might conflict with this.
This is a similar process to how blister strips and bottles can be identified with printed codes.
It could be identified with the common good of a society, though both concepts are not equivalent.
Informal social roles are not always easy to recognize, but can be identified with careful research.
They could see what was happening and they were strong enough not to be identified with the collective.
The remote user will be identified with his IP-Address, and will be given access with that address only.
The files with numeric names can easily be identified with the glob built-in, which conveniently collates files.
My users authenticate with one userid but I want them to be identified with another ID from LDAP. Is that possible?
我的用户们通过一个userid 进行身份验证,我想从LDAP 上使用另一个ID鉴定它们,这可行吗?
You can still be active and enjoy creating new conditions and circumstances, but you won't be identified with them.
A sophisticated graphics system generally can be identified with the graphics output format to use for other systems.
Must be Identified with the Tank that it belong, included the Slop Tanks, in proper manner, like welded seam or similar.
An individual seeking access authorization to a facility may be identified with a biometric parameter such as an iris scan.
To be identified with your mind is to be trapped in time, the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation.
Multiple sponsorship gives two or more advertisers the opportunity to be identified with a particular program while sharing the cost.
Although factory overhead normally cannot be identified with the individual jobs, it is an essential component of manufacturing costs.
This method was simple, convenient and easy to calculate, the level of submerged oil layer could be identified with the logging curves.
Different substances and different metabolic pathways between the three syndromes of MS could be identified with metabolomics technology.
Cry is a "weakness" characteristic of the female, and no American male wants to be identified with any-thing in the least weak or feminine.
An early study of 40 volunteers who were asked to answer truthfully to questions and then to lie found that liars could be identified with 70 per cent accuracy.
To facilitate identification, the CD - ROM or diskette should be identified with an external label stating business name, file number and the year of assessment.
One major theme to emerge from work at this level is that memory is composed of multiple, separable components that can be identified with specific anatomical structures and connections.
This way, disks can be identified, configured, and imported with no guesswork.
In-store designs and marketing campaigns that work can be identified and improved upon, and those that do not can be replaced with something more profitable.
Requirements identified with this process will be the base for the scenarios of the preproduction Test.
Neither the source nor the date of the initial cases in Angola can be presently identified with any certainty.
The trouble is that both of them assume that the true self can be identified in some straightforward way with one particular part of a person's psychology.
The trouble is that both of them assume that the true self can be identified in some straightforward way with one particular part of a person's psychology.