You'll be impressed with the brightness and the beauty of the colors.
I can't help but be impressed with the practicability of this education.
Still, you have to be impressed with how these superstars are willing to become role players.
It is natural to be impressed with the way Chinese markets are shrugging off the turmoil in the West.
You may be impressed with the kindness of another person today and find yourself looking at him or her with starry eyes.
If we work hard and are patient we will all be impressed with the progress of our students. The possibilities this year are great!
Anyone touring the wall of pictures in the Courtyard in the Trends headquarters will be impressed with Wu Hong's and Trend's history.
We must act now while this baby-boomerang generation is still young and impressionable, and will be impressed with what a teacher, a preacher, or some other authority figure has to say.
If the documents are all where they should be, this is the whole story-everyone is happy, and the auditor goes away impressed with your efficiency and organization.
I was very impressed with how the countries themselves got together to decide which ones would be the first three to introduce it, because the vaccine supplies were limited in year one.
In the meantime, you can be duly impressed with how much charge you can shuffle around when you build up static.
While she is impressed with all the species Dr. Stephenson and his colleagues have found, she is sure there are many more waiting to be discovered.
I confidently handed in my doctoral-level, award-winning work, absolutely convinced my professor would be as thoroughly impressed with it as I was!
Previous work by Bale et al. (2006) found that women weren't particularly impressed with men trying to be funny, despite what we are often told.
Interviewee: Well I’m impressed with what the company has done in the past and I think by hiring me the company’s future can only be brighter.
I thought he'd be rusty. But two weeks working with him, I'm impressed. The big fella can move.
Be easily impressed, entertained, and interested. Most people get more pleasure from wowing you with their humor and insight than from being wowed by your humor and insight.
I was impressed with the iPad's battery life, which I found to be even longer than Apple's ten-hour claim, and far longer than on my laptops or smart phones.
I am personally really impressed with what Apple have delivered and I have absolutely no doubt it will be one of Apple's best selling products.
Some critics aren't impressed because many of the problems Node solves can be solved with other technologies such as libev, Tornado, EventMachine, etc. So why should we be interested in Node.js?
When we tried out JRuby 1.4 we were impressed by just how good it was and so we decided that it would be a great opportunity for us to update our JRuby support with the release of Ruby In Steel 1.5.
试用JRuby 1.4时,我们对它的出色表现印象深刻,这是一个绝好的机会,在Ruby in Steel 1.5中升级我们的JRuby支持。
Her parents had impressed upon her that it would be unforgivable to miss it and cause the friends with whom she was going to stay to make two journeys to moot her.
I was impressed with this and would score it at least a 6 and would seriously be considering a 7 here.
With this kind of experience listed on a resume, prospective employers may be impressed to know that this applicant can survive in a different environment.
With this kind of experience listed on a resume, prospective employers may be impressed to know that this applicant can survive in a different environment.